Sketchup Forum shut down ! ?
Hi all
Just took a look at the OLD SU Forum site.
Link is DOA today ?How nice to have a place to stay here.
Yup, Dave. There are some more threads in the corner bar about this - although every of us is just saying the same...
we should be searching for all of our dead links now... here on this ofrum that pointed there...
As far as I remembered I tried to avoid linking there - just for the same reason. But you never know...
Yeah, that will be a hell of a work... -
Finally it's I can stop picking at it like a festering scab.
Hi Phil, I posted this to the two other threads on the closing of the SketchUp forum...who knew there was three!
Hi guys, the final migration is planned for 12 MST (U.S. Mountain Time) today, July 9th, and the old forums will be decommissioned then. I know, sadly this time has come.
I hope you'll stop by the Groups now and again to see the updates we're planning, and I sure do appreciate all of your contributions to the old forum. That's where I first met you all!
In the meantime, there will be a redirect from the old forum link to the new Groups link when the migration is complete, and I'm sure I'll see you all here.
- CraigD
@unknownuser said:
Finally it's I can stop picking at it like a festering scab.
I could have done without the visual.
(posted by Gully Foyle)
i see the migration..i can search old posts, but of course none work
and i'm not able to post b/c i'm not joined or something...