1: parse error, unexpected $undefined., expecting '}'
^Error Loading File DeleteCoplanarEdges.rb
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 6/SketchUp/Plugins/DeleteCoplanarEdges.rb:1: parse error, unexpected $undefined., expecting '}'
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949I copied the text onto TextEdit, saved it as ".rb.rtf". I then renamed it and deleted the ".rtf" and it asked me which extension I wanted to use at which point I selected ".rb". The word RUBY appear on the icon and I placed it in the plugins folder. I repeated this with a number of scripts and, aside from the actual file named, I get the exact same message for each script. I tried putting the file into the tools folder to see if perhaps that's where they really belonged but achieved nothing. I still get the same message(s) for each plugin. I even attempted to add a "}" at the end the line ad then tried ";}" but I still get the exact same message but this time with "}" or ";}" after the "\cocoartf949"
What am I doing wrong? Can I fix this? Any thoughts??
I am using the SketchUp 6 Free version and all of the plugins I got were taaged as free and there were no mentions of them being for the Pro only version.
basic.woodworks -
Thanks... I'll see if I can locate.