Accessing the PDFs with Plugins
I just had a thought. With many of the excellent Rubies you gurus are writing, you're also including PDF files with instructions. I was thinking it would be nice if they could be accessed directly from a menu entry in the Help menu. I'm picturing a menu entry with a flyout menu listing the PDF files that are included in the Plugins folder. At least that's where I end up extracting those files to when I unzip.
Is this possible? I have no clue but it seems like it ought to be a short script. What say the experts?
Nice idea. And trivial to do.
dialog =
dialog.set_url "filepath_to_document.pdf"
FWIW I think the WebDialog is a really underused facility of SU - it opens up all the functionality of your browser to SU.
I'll try to package that in a more user-friendly rb
Thank for the tip Adam ! -
Go here to download: -
Very nice idea.
It seems to have problems with the subfolders of the Plugins directory however. For instance with the PDF of Bezierspline which are in subfolder BZ_DIR. I think it is because the file name contains a '.' (on top of the extension).Also, do you understand why the combo boxes in Sketchup Dialogs are never properly sized? I came across this problem too.
I you want nice (well nicer) dialog boxes you could do a html/js one using WebDialog
You are right, we can do much cooler things, but there is still the problem of compatibility with v5.
But I still don't understand the logic of the basic Sketchup Windows-based dialogs for dimensioning combo boxes! -
OK guys, have a second look to Didiers download thread. I also tried to program an extension, but my solution creates a nested menu.
Yes, the size problem is strange. I know that when you put more spaces in the prompt value it works
prompts=["help file............"]
but why this ? No logical explanation...