How to animate a sliding door
Martin - simply "just" great. Genuine.
Very creative! Will have to try this out.
Nicely done! :thup:
Thanks for sharing!
Great work Martin.
How make the same with the bike
Dear Pilou,
A very interesting tutorial showing one use of section planes.
You might like to take a look at Didier Bur's transformer_beta.rb which you will find at
This script allows one to create the same motion described in your tutorial.
Didier might like to look at updating this script to include a tool bar and tutorial etc.
Kind regards,
Bob -
Many thx for the infos!
Cool trick of Mandrake the magicianBut it's not exactly what I want
How move the bike in front of the wall and see it during the travel(no need to roll the wheels)
Without the use of Sketchyphysics because I want to export directly the anim inside Kerkythea!
Seems it's not possible at this day to export a SktechyPhysics animation in KerkytheaI have contacted Didier Bur about his script above: it's so old that he don't remember how it works!
If someone has info about the "Transformer.rb" script, it will be a task -
Dear Pilou,
I might be able to help. Download Transformer_beta.rb and put it in your Plugins folder.
Open up a new Sketchup instance and create a simple cube at the orgin. Make it a group or a component; it doesn't matter which. Select the group/component and then go to your Plugins drop-down menu. Select Transformer>Positions>Group Initial Position. Move the cube along the red axis, and then select Transformer>Positions>Group Final Position. To test your selection , select Transformer>Movements>Move component to its Initial Position. The cube should jump back to the origin. Now for the smooth motion. Select Transformer>Animation>Animation Settings, and set the Steps and Duration (try 50 and 20). Finally, select Transformer>Animation>Animation Initial->Final.
Hope this helps.
Bob -
Hi Watkins
Thx but what should be the result?
Somes "pages" or like the "SketchyPhysics" just an animation on the screen?
I will try again, but seems that I had made that you write and nothing append at the end -
Dear Pilou,
I'm sorry but you will have to ask Didier Bur as he wrote the script. Yes, the duration does not seem to connect to actual seconds of elapsed time, and so one has to experiment. Like all scripts it has a place in the grand scheme of things. It happily copes with rotation too, and so one can use it to rotate a door about its hinge.
Perhaps Didier could revise this script to give it more functionality. For example:
- select component/group - initial position
- select component/group - final position
- select motion constraints - steps and duration
The script then stores the position/motion data and assigns that data to that component/group. To animate the component/group one would first click on the component/group and then a 'transform' icon. Three icons: initial-to-final, final-to-initial and loop. Other icons might be used to increase/decrease 'steps' and 'duration', with a final icon updating the motion constraints assigned to that component. The number of components/groups which could be animated in a model would probably have to be limited, but 5 to 10 would be a good start. Deleting a component would result in its position/motion data being deleted.
Did you manage to animate the bike?
Bob -
I ask him if he can make also something like this
You clic some groups or componants in a certain oder and the result will be
one componant by page so a little animation
Maybe this yet exist?His script was good but now SketchyPhysics is more perfomant :
He says the same : use Physics
Section cuts cannot be exported into Kerky with the current version of SU2KT though it's on the wish list.
You could use layers and copy/move the bike little by little putting the current instance on different layers then create scenes by hiding the rest.
Long and tedious work and the result is very likely a jaggy animation not worth rendering and wasting time in Kerky.
I mean long and tedious in SU. Once you set up the scenes Kerky will handle it just as well as any other animation. True if you have a slow machine, it will be longer.
@unknownuser said:
I mean long and tedious in SU
Here the bike animation, but alas the cool script "Transformer" by Didier Bur can't run in the same time that the classic animation of the sliding door by Martin
unzip and open the file Bike.htm in you favorite navigator
(firefox is best)Ps In this case of this bike animation by the script how can I render this animation in Kerkythea?
Ok that work!
problem was the unities 50 and 20
I have the french version it's write by default Step = 10 and Duration (second) = 5
I input 2 seconds because I was speedy
With that I just 2 draws Start / EndWith your numbers I have an animation (Miraculous)
but not during 20 seconds but seems 2 seconds
And it's an animation at the "screen" not in 50 pages !
Have you some light about that? -
Well, if it went by the "classical" page (scene) transition, you could for sure.
I don't know (but doubt) if/that you can render this in Kerky though. -
So wait someone transpose Script "Transformer" animation to page
Dear Fletch,
I am curious, and would like to know which bit of the message tickled you the most? Was it that 'an-already-overloaded-Didier' might have time to revise one of his old scripts? The last time I suggested a revision Didier did a superb job revising his Projections scripts. I have found the Transformer script useful from time to time, and simple to use, although I suppose I should try running SketchyPhysics with its many features.
Kind regards,