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The first visuals of the legendary 'Beago-dile'
"Animals in clothes have we finally gone too far? Sign the petition!"
people are voting on the new improved and less offensive 'Poop-scoop'
"Um, yes, hi sir. My name is John and I am taking up a collection to have this crocodile removed from my dogs arse, can you spare a dime?"
Now this is 'Global warming'
"Burn in hell Florida burn!"
"I want my Nobel Prize .....NOW!"
Sorry I could go all day on this one.
No matter how many times Gore blew fire he could not blow a pope image, however he was able to do George Bush, Dick Cheney and Condi with ease.
This just in... Al Gore blows!
(sorry couldn't help it after Solo's post.)
Our celebrity judge for the chilli cook-off has reached a verdict.
That's what I call bringing the heat on global warming
Who took my lock-box?
"If we only had some ice left..."
It's been a while... let's go with another.
Horrified, Roger suddenly recognized the object....that was no water balloon they had found in his dorm room.
After a hard night on the town bob was horrifiesd to find young jimmy playing catch with the remenants of the previuous night's shennanigans.
Remus, I'm pretty good and advanced at mistyping (not necessarily misspelling) - ask the "Team" about this - but you seem to be able to beat me in this. I have always wondered what you smoke but as you said (in another thread as I can remember) it's not tobacco (i.e. cigarettes or such)
gai, i dont actually smoke at all
i put it down to haivng lived in a town where everyone else smokes (not tobacco) for the best part of my life.