Exterior panorama
The all blue ones are the top row of a two row panorama that will map nicely onto the provide cylinder.
It is kind of a pain to map them onto the cylinder, which is why I thought I was doing everyone a favor by providing the already mapped cylinder.
This really makes no sense. Why on earth would the skippy, that is 3.4 megs so it obviously has the images in it somewhere, is just displaying the colored squares.
I hate to ask a stupid question, but everyone is looking at the cylinder with textures activated, right?
...kannonbal,OK?...Why cut a photo?
...and SKP(RAR)...
http://rapidshare.com/files/84825074/OTB_Designworks_panorama1.rar.html -
...It is new work...
Thanks Urgen, I hope your component works better than mine for people to download (confusedly scratches head in bewilderment...)
I am now really wondering what you could have possible done different when you saved the skippy so that the mapped image stayed correct after others download it, other than using a Windows machine.
Am I correct is thinking that we have stumbled on quite a large bug with Sketchup, where image textures can't be saved as skippys and shared between Mac and Windows computers?! Is that really what is going on here??
Because, if so, then that pretty well stinks, IMO
So, Urgen, did you have to map the images onto the cylinder, or did the download just work?
I cut them up to maintain maximum reasonable resolution. This particular cyclorama is wrapped around a 160 acre site, and I wanted the exports to be a crisp as possible. This panorama started out life as a 650 meg, or so, PSD file, so I had fantastic resolution to start with and I wanted to keep degradation to a minimum.
urgens file worked fine for me.. and i am on PC too!
maybe ur rite Chuck.. it definitely seems like a bug!! -
I just wonder if the original images are in the CMYK colour space. But in that case Windows IE shouldn't be able to display them at all...
the JPEGS are 8 bit RGB, so that isn't it.
Chuck, could you post the original file in the SU Bugs subforum?
Yesterday, at work, I also downloaded your model but since there I only have some crap, integrated video card, I thought it might have been due to that fact. Reading the replies here this must be a bug but now you seem to have changed the url for the original skippy for the images and I cannot access it.
I'm sure the SU Team would be really happy to be able to investigate this.
perhaps somewhere along the line SU divided the cylinder up into a set of individual faces, with all the lines hidden, as happens when you use skin.rb. would only happen if the image was applied as a texture though...
Thanks Chuck, I've seen your post and can confirm that the file is accessible and the bug is still "working fine". I've also let the SU Team know about it.
Thank you sir!
I sent a PM to CraigD calling attention to this, too. I also sent a PM to Edson, as I know he works on Macs and I figured it would be good to know if it does, in fact, work on Macs.
Let me know if you hear anything.
I have started a thread in Bug Report: here
Gaieus, the link at the beginning of this thread and the one in bug reports should take you to the original skippy now. Please let me know if you are still having issues accessing the file.
Remus, that is exactly how I make these cycloramas. Generate cylinder, in this case 2 cylinders stacked as I have two rows of images, and then map each of the 18 images individually with hidden lines visible. When I open this file, I have 18 images visible in my material browser, but everyone else just gets grey and blue solid colors.
I keep hoping a Mac user will try to download the panorama and see what they get.
I have joked around with Craig before that I would make a heck of a beta tester, as I seem to have an innate ability to stumble into bugs without even trying. I thought I was just posting a component and all this happens.
Well, I uploaded the individual Jpegs (which just happen to be 3.2 meg).
They are here: jpegs
I can transfer this skippy to my other computer that has never seen any of this and it works perfectly well, too, though it is also a Mac.
Dang, try to do right by the community a bit and it turns into a PITA: this is annoying.
hi chuck,
this is what i got. no problem. must say at first there where a couple of big squares showing on the top part, but the image was clearly visible. to get rid of the squares i just opened and closed the group.
hope it helps.
I'm on a PC and could not see the images in the panorama, file size was good but all that showed up were the blue panels. I certainly opened and closed the group and may have tried exploding it.
In the end I downloaded the jpgs, turned on Hidden geometry and was able to select three panels at a time and re-texture them. The jpg names showed up in the edit material display - but the Use Image as texture checkbox was not checked and would not stay checked.
I deleted the existing jpg names, browsed to the downloaded versions and all was well.
Interestingly the skippy is still about the same size so it looks as though the new textures have replaced the old ones.
Thanks for the troubleshooting, guys.
I guess I should feel a little better knowing that it works fine on another Mac.
Thanks, Bob, for exploring this further. Weird how you have to manually browse to newly downloaded images to get it to work, while the file size is unchanging.
There is obviously a platform compatibility issue going on here. Hopefully, the Google Support team sees, and does something about this.
It is quite disappointing to discover that any SKP I might give to a client to check out in their free version (not that I ever do this but suppose) of Sketchup will not display any image textures!! That would really make me look professional. "Hey Chuck, why on earth do you wrap the model with a bunch of blue squares on a cylinder!"
I'm glad I stumbled into this here, with you guys, as opposed to out in the real world.
Is the cyclorama going to be useful for anyone, at least?
For those who like panoramas: have a look at:
Resolutions up to 5800x1200, lots of 360ยฐ to download, vertical panoramas, sorted by themes, check them in the left pop-up menus. -
oooh, good site, im going to have to do a few more renders so i can use those as backdrops.