Can this be modeled in sketchup want a step by step tutorial
Can anybody give a step by step tutorial for modeling an commercial aircraft with textures or materials applied. I have been trying to model an aircraft. I have attached some images which was created in Illustrator. I want to model this using sketchup.
Yes this can be modelled in su and i'm sure someone could do a brief tutorial for you (I would but I got carried away with trying to model it myself and forgot about the tut altogether)
You might find this youtube vid by monsterz3r0 of use. (its the first thing I thought of when I saw your post)
Also you may find this useful (it was going to be a tutorial and not just a model!)
It was created very similar to the above vid (you should be able to see that the main part of the fusilage is a circle push pulled and then scaled to the correct size, then push pulled again etc etc.hope thats of some help.
If you have time for it(i look at yt-video), try to model...
Skipy has SplineProject, BezPatch, and ect.
But i prefer cam/cae-tools: rhino/AliasStudioTools, moi/Ayam(free, for it
Good Luck! -
Hi folks.
Yes it can.
I developped a tutorial made of eigth separate SU files that I posted in the old SU forum a while ago. The problem is that some of the individual files are larger than the 512 K limit on Sketchucation. I will try to upload these on the 3D Warehouse during my Christmas vacation. After that I will post the link here in this forum.
In the mean time, here is a JPG showing what can be done.
Just ideas.