CatchUp - Speakers
today was Independence Day here in India.. i had nothin better to do.. so i decided to model something not architectural... its my first non archi model so please be kind
... oh and this thing is high poly.. i always wanted to do some high poly stuff!!!
C&C please!!
and big thank u to cheffey for the inspiration to make this three sided rounded edge thingy.. and to Ivica for the presentation board style !!!
Download Model Here -
HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! there is nothing so wonderful as self government especially after being ruled by another country.
and awesome speakers... love the use of SU overflowing with models...
thanx kris.. its 60 years of independence now.. all the local channels are playin the national songs and anthems.. parades out in the streets.. but i was just at home today.. relaxing, enjoyin the holiday!
and the model over SU screen technique was ivicas idea... pretty neat eh???
way to go jenujacob, and happy independence day!
i think working on objects like that helps me to better understand the underused tools in sketchup. very nice work! -
Those are great. Happy independence day!
very nice indeed
mike d
Nice work Jenujacob.ahh and presentation is also very nice
ditto, ditto, and happy too!
thank u all!! this forum has taught me a whole lot of things.. Coen's flash tutorials are outta this world! the ppl here are amazing, friendly!! thank u for such a wonderful place!
Beautiful work and presentation.
Happy Independence Day! -
how long did that take you?!
I have got to figure out how to get quicker at this?!! -
hello ypnos! long time no see! how u doin???
i really dont know how long it took coz it wasnt a one whole sitting affair.. but i like to say maybe some 4 hours??? besides my comp isnt the best u know.. had to suffer two hangups and consequent system restarts! LOL.. thank heavens for the autosave function!!! -
Those are the same as the speakers i have at home.
Good model, like the presentation too. -
Ha ha,nice Coen(zeer goed).What could you expect from Coen-very ugly(acctually trully words)and very excellent words in one package 8O
i will take that as a compliment Coen! thank u!! and i agreee with Ivica..u do speak ur heart out!!!
I bought a set of Cambridge Soundworks (4.1) in 1998 and they're still going strong, on my desk at the moment.
Nice detail and modeling! I too had these speakers for years, just had to replace them recently. But where is the subwoofer?
thanx Michael!!! and bout the subwoofer.. well umm.. hmm.. ummm.. duhhh..
(read - too laaazy!!! wanna try a hand at it??