Import or Paste all Layers AND Pages?
Has anyone developed a hybrid copy and paste-inplace or hybrid import such that the pasted or imported model brings with them not only their layers but their respective pages (scenes) as well?
i do not know of any script that does both things but there is a script (PageExIm, to be found in Smustard) that allows one to export and import scenes from one file to another.
As Edson says, RickW's "PageExim" script [see Smustard]] deals with exporting a model's pages[scenes] and then importing them into another model.
To import layers import the host-model into your model. It should come in as a component. Immediately in the component browser pick over it and delete it. All of its used layers have been brought over and will remain...
I'll knock together a script to make a list of a models layers, export it and then import it a la PageExim...
You can also import Layers with Layer Manager: just save a "layers state" in the original file to an external file, then import this layers state in the new file. This will unfortunately not set the layers status for the scenes -
See new thread [Layer List Export and Import]:
I did a few tests with importing an .LMI file into a new sketchup file.
The layer states are kind of remembered!
Let us say I create file "X". In it I create scenes X1, X2, and X3. I also create Layers x1, x2, and x3. Scene X1 only displays layer x1, X2 displays layer x2, and X3 displays x3. Using Layer Manager, I save a Layer Config for each of the 3 configs and then export those as X.lmi .
When I import X.lmi into a new SketchUp file, the 3 configs are loaded. If I then do a restore (Show only) Config X2, it updates to the settings of config X1. If restore (Show only) Config X3 it updates to the settings of config X2. It is as if the imported layer configs are "misregistered" by one. Perhaps Layer0 is being ignored when the .LMI is imported?
Mmmm, I must check that asap...