Display cabinet
yes yes. that!
the most famous cafe in Budapest, very old and still there, is the Zserbo. I made a point of seeing it when I was backpacking through Europe too many years ago to count.
Okay, how about this, if you like szilva gombocs then you must of course like the dish that it accompanies: krumplis nudli. Long ago I wanted to surprise my parents and make all of that for dinner. My mother had a real Hungarian cookbook given to her and I searched in vain for the recipe. In fact it occured to me that there was not a single recipe for potatoes(krumpli) in the entire cookbook.
My mother informed me of just what a peasant I am, since everyone knows that the elegant name for potatoes is bourgonya
More exactly (just simply, "peasantly" burgonya - not with a "snobbish", French spelling...
So if you can make szilvásgombóc, you can make krumplis nudli, too. The same dough. Just don't fill it with anything and make it small, longish pieces simply rolling them between your palms. I like them salty though (with sour cream - which you do not really have) and not sweet but they eat both ways here.
But they aren't going well with Gidon's cabinet...
Rolled in fried bread crumbs and yes with salt. No sour cream. I personally add black pepper.
Ah, yes, the bread crums. Obviously (like with the gombóc-es). Yes, and pepper. I eat everything with pepper, too. Cream is not bad with it because it can be a bit dry sometimes.
Jo etvagyat!
Ah, thanks...
I had "juhtúrós nokedli" (sztrapacska - "strapačka" - in Slovakian or what) today. How about that? Have you ever tried?
I don't think so. Just boring turos teszta. Which is still delicious. All Hungarian food is unbelievable. Not great for the arteries though.
Well, this is a bit similar to túróstészta but is made with a softer dough and you mix cow and sheep "cottage cheese" (lacking a better expression for túró) into it. Then use cream mixed with sheep cheese again on top and served with fried bacon.
I think the "Sketchup Fit Club" should not read these posts...
I'm going to start a recepeis thread in the Corner Bar.
I made (and here you'll excuse the spelling) nockedli yesterday. Lots of pepper of course. And could you please remind me what you call noodles with poppy seeds and sugar? -
Mákos nudli.
Seriously, I'm worried about the others getting fed up with the topic meandering into a very offtopic way - although I think that's the nature of things...OK, Gidon, go ahead and let's start some recepies thread over there!
That's beautiful, Bruce!
I can only qoute my late grandmother:
"When you're getting the best, you can't ask for more" -
Bruce, besides all those "praises" (it really looks good) please mind that the lower glasses on the two sides do not have faces. There still must something wrong (say a "backface"?) going on there...
That's what a forum is for, I guess - to share and to collect...
"What goes around, comes around." -
Wow! I have really enjoyed the collaboration on this project. Such a nice community has developed here
Bruce, you are doing a great job and so generous of your time. Thank you Gidon, Bruce and all other who have shared in this.
Eric... if I had been drinking milk when I saw that, I would have spit my milk too! That has hilarious.... -
Bruce hi,
We started work on the chocolate shop today.
I'll pictures when we've completed the project.All the best,
Gidon -
Please Bruce, you don't have to feel remiss for anything. Your rendering was greatly appreciated and I truely thank you for it. I'm sure you've got tons of work to take of. It's going to be at least a month before I can post any pictures.
All the best'
Gidon -
I put together a little clip that I've got on my web site that shows a few images of the pieces I'd made for the chocolate shop. They're still working on the decor so I couldn't realy get good pictures but I wanted to have something on my site that tells the story. The clip is part of a whole article about the design idea (he wanted the place to look like a small shop in Paris, in one of the side streets near the Champs Elysees, if you happened to be strolling there about 100 years ago.
Disregard the Hebrew text.
This is where you can see it on You Tube:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gXANwY_n-A -
Gidon, Thanks for this "Edith Piaf" presentation.
The WHOLE thing is sooo goood! (Especially me knowing the model...
Very nice work Gidon. And I see you're a celebrity. I love the suspenders.
Nice work there Gidon. The Edith Piaf sample works extremely well here.