Increasing vertices/planes
Hi All,
Is there a way to increase vertices/planes in a model to make it smoother?
I tried soften edges. It works but when I try to export to 3ds, I lose all the smoothing.Thanks in advance,
Alan.P: ACZero
When drawing new geometry (curves, arcs, circles) you can increase the number of segments used via the VCB. And, depending on what other geometry touches the geometry you want to modify later, you can use the right-mouse-buttom (RMB) Entity Info context menu to increase the segmentation.
Also, when exporting, you can set at the Materials whether to export texture maps either preserving texture coordinates or welding vertices (unfortunately not both at the same time).
By welding vertices, the curved surfaces will be a lot smoother and you can adjust the UV maps in 3Ds Max later.Have a look at Chris Fulmer's tutorial about this in the "Old" Forums here.
(Unfortunately the "How-to" section of the forums is now overwhelmed with "How do i do this and that" questions, not tutorials so these nifty ones are buried to the bottom.) -
Thanks Todd/Gaieus, Some good info in there. The Chris Fulmer tutorials are very well explained. I'll have to look into that section more.
Alan.P: ACZero