It could even be in wireframe mode...
Anyway, "mensa" (in Latin) simply means "table" (in my country school cafeterias are also called like this). The organisation you are referring to got its name probably just from a vision like "a bunch of smart people sitting around a table".
We also have the equivalent (like a national branch?) of it that is called "MensaHungarIQa" clearly referring to the "heights" of IQ.
First I didn't get the point, Bruce and Tom, but now it's clear.
Hope "mensa180" you didn't take those dudes offensive - I bet they didn't mean to be...
Here we go again...? I'm out of this conversation (just poking some fun at the new kid :`) Again, welcome Mensa180 (gotta first name we can use?...always helps, thanks). Best, Tom.
Mensa180... please ignore the direction this thread has taken...
some people may be unaware that I.Q. has nothing to do with knowledge as it is a gauge of one's ability to comprehend new ideas... and not a gauge of one's level of knowledge... a 7 year old could have an I.Q. of 180 but still needs to be taught in order to be intelligent.
in any case your name is fine. although I may be a bit jealous as I fall well beneath that number... I think I'm in the 60 range... just another 120 points and I'll be right there with you...
so welcome to the forum, and please feel free to ask anything you like... as Bruce said this is a place of free thoughts and learning, so let's get back to SketchUp.
None taken, I come from a forum where poking fun is common, among other things amongst the worse members.
I had nothing in mind when I made it, I just heard it somewhere and like the sound of it. I learned about the organization meaning of it quite a time ago, and have gotten to expect the commentary whenever I join a new board, over the last 7 years.
I'm smart, but not thatsmart.
P: mensa180
I'm getting the same problem again, and I've tried all the face options, nothing helps.
P: mensa180
I'm happy to give a looksee as well...is the model too big to post?
I would like to see if I can help too.
Here are the upload guidelines if you did not already see it:
And an explaination on how to attach multiple files (though the above is preferred
http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=1334Hope this helps.
I'm using Vista, if that means anything. Could it? Because when I reinstall and open it for the first time it says my OpenGL (or something like that) settings have been changed.
Then when I close it and open it back up, I don't get that message, and my model is all see through like.
Woops, looks like I put it in there twice.
P: mensa180
I also downloaded the file and checked (Win XP + SP2).
There were no glitches with it (that you described) and apart from what Bruce (hm... "modelhead"
) wrote above, there wasn't any problem either.
I saw you created a Furniture layer - very wisely - but then put all furniture there so that you can turn off the layer's visibility for easier navigation and modelling.
Also, if you insist on using so many guidelines, you can create a special layer for them and put them all there so you can also turn them off when they are not needed.
As for the Vista glitch - I'm not using Vista but there still seem to be some problems with it when the graphics card driver is not up to date. Try to fix that or try to turn off harware acceleration (and / or fast feedback if checked) in the Window > Preferences > OpenGL settings. This may sometimes help.
And thanks Bruce for jumping in to help - the other day I was just rushing through the forums to see whether everything was OK and totally forgot to come back here (though this is my "specially assigned" forum, you know...
I took a look at the file last night and did not see any glitches.