Selection issues with Leopard
I've noticed a few more selection related issues recently. For example, in a really simple model - not much more than a box - I had a few lines to select to delete. Since I know the selection marquees have problems I used shift-select but even then I got a several second beachball episode.
A few minutes later whilst trying out some of the sandbox tools I got beachballed again when clicking outside any component in order to deselect.
MacBook, SUPro 1145, hardware accel on, fast select off.
While IĀ“m not on leopard (still on tiger), on one installation of sup, i experienced some serious "beachballing". I deleted and reinstalled, with no improvement. But, when after deleting, i also removed supĀ“s preferences, everything went back to normal. Somehow those preferences got corrupted. Maybe thatĀ“s the problem (then again, iĀ“m not on leopard yet)?
@santiagom said:
But, when after deleting, i also removed supĀ“s preferences, everything went back to normal.
OK, I tried that just in case - and what fun it was finding all the relevant files to remove, how about an unisntall option in the installer guys - and sadly it makes no difference. It isn't anything to do with installed plugins or style etc either, so far as I'm able to tell, since I tried the system out before I re-installed my collection.
Sigh. This just gets more and more annoying. Even the simplest selecting will sometimes beachball. It does seem that there might be some connection with movement of the mouse. If I'm really careful to not move the mouse as I click to select it seems to happen less. This could connect with why it is so strongly related to using the selection windows, since clearly one tends to be moving the mouse then.
Right now SU is pretty much unusable, which is seriously irritating.
I figure some people might be watching this thread and would care about this, but might have missed the other thread so...
Over in this thread I posted a fix for the freezing-after-box-selecting issue. This also seems to solve the occasional freeze when selecting lines.