Usb key saving
I very often have my models on a usb key to go from home to office, often with large models.
Sometimes I forget to save on HD, and the automatic savings is launched on USB key, and there is the problem; I get stuck for minutes, sometimes 5 minutes waiting for the model to save, and with the impossibility to stop the saving unless breakink key integrity.Why is saving on USB key is so slow; I chose a rapid kingston 4Mo key but it did not change anything.
I don't think it is an SU problem, more likely your computer system. I use usb memory sticks with SU all the time, no problems.
If your computer uses USB 1.1 then it will be slow. USB 2 should be fine although a bit slower than the main hard drive but faster than you are experiencing. If you have got USB 2 then try your USB stick on another PC to make sure it isn't the USB key. Large models can however take a while to save even on a fast PC.
thank you Jon and Kenny
It has nothing to see with USB 2.0 or 1.0; my Kingston key is quick and compatible with both, and home as well as job computers are 2.0
I tested with other computers; 2.45Mo file takes more than 3 minutes to save on keyOf course I immediatly after connection save on HD, but when I forget it, I am stuck for minutes.
Kenny, it would be nice if you could tell me which Key you use
Marc, I tried to save files to a USB key (1GB PNY) for myself and I'm actually experiencing the same issues. A 3MB file took 3 minutes to save and I gave up on a large 35MB file after 12 minutes. Drag and drop to USB is fine as is saving other file formats. A 4MB PDF only took a few seconds to save. It therefore must be a SketchUp issue. Anyone else care to try?
I moved this to the Bug Report forum so hopefully one of the Google folks will pick up on it.
poster-Jackson Barkess -
I measured the saving time for a 1.50 Mo file on USB 2.0 with a dell
- HD: 2 seconds
- Sony key 1Go: 19 seconds
- Kingston key 4Go: 120 seconds
When there is a jpg image underneath the work (ground image..) the
file is heavier, and you can get stuck for 10 minutes if you forget to save first on HD, The impossibility to stop the procedure keeps you in front of computer.
Let me add to the list of tries underneath
I measured the saving time for a 1.50 Mo file on USB 2.0 with a dell-
HD: 2 seconds
Sony key 1Go: 19 seconds
Kingston key 4Go: 120 seconds
MINI LACIE HD, credit card size, 30Go : 2 seconds, a pity I cannot hang my keys to it