SketchyPhysics Alpha
Verry good !!!!!
And thanks for sharing.
Bep van Malde
@cphillips said:
Its still got lots of missing features and bugs but here we go!
The docs are very much a work in progress.
Hi Chris,
Wow ! This looks to be powerful stuff and I am getting
excited thinking about the many applications it can be
used for ! Moving cars, people etc and all kinds of
animation !Pity, there is no Mac version but I have Parallels and
BootCamp so all is not lost.I read your reason for not having a Mac version and that's
fair enough. Now I wonder would Todd be interested in
having a look at the possibilities !Mike
@mike lucey said:
Pity, there is no Mac version but I have Parallels and
BootCamp so all is not lost.I read your reason for not having a Mac version and that's
fair enough. Now I wonder would Todd be interested in
having a look at the possibilities !Mike
Yes, Todd would be interested, but I have too much on my plate right now. Perhaps after Thankgiving...
Thank you Chris! That looks absolutly AWESOME!!!!
@unknownuser said:
Yes, Todd would be interested, but I have too much on my plate right now. Perhaps after Thankgiving...
That's good to hear Todd ..... so maybe some time after the 4th Sunday in Novemeber (had to look that up !)?
This is really interesting, Chris.
One of the other modelers I use, Blender, has a physics engine in it, and the ideal use for that (for an architect, such as myself) has been to create "gamed" models where you walk around through a modeled, lit, and textured building as if you were in a first-person shooter (without zombies).
P: Lewis Wadsworth
absolutly great plugin, thanks
Thanks everyone! Here are a few answers to the questions.
@unknownuser said:
oh yeah with this ruby you can make a model of our solar system, and then have collisions...
@unknownuser said:
you can have a car driving down the road...
Yes. In fact I hooked up joystick support a while back. Ill expose it in a future version.
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
a back hoe digging...
Doubt it. Deforming terrain isnt possible with this plugin.
@unknownuser said:
now can I export movies of this?
Not yet. I do have a separate plugin called SketchyReplay that records and plays back animations.
@unknownuser said:
is there wind and water effects?
Wind no. Water possible in a future version.
@unknownuser said:
can I assign weight to an object, like a brick, and a 2x4 and a concrete pad, and then weigh the whole structure?
The physics engine supports materials. A future version will expose them. I dunno about weighing a structure. It might work.
with the backhoe digging I mean you would seperate the dug out part my grouping... it would be fake but look somewhat real...
just thinking about the future of this... if you'd like to know what I would do if I could...
test my architecture... wind shear, snow loads, live loads, tension stress... that kind of thing...
I tested something last night with it... I took the bricks in the terrain test file, and shrunk them down to about the size of a small rock... then copied them over an over and over until there were hundreds and hundreds of them in a cluster hanging in the air waiting on me to drop em... I wanted them to fall all at once and seem to be a fluid pour of small objects... but what I got was a few dropping at a time... by OC'd E4300 couldn't handle it...
well this is very exciting stuff thanks so much for sharing and for building it... I can't wait to learn more...
This is absolutely amazing! Thanks for all of your work!
@unknownuser said:
test my architecture... wind shear, snow loads, live loads, tension stress... that kind of thing...
Keep in mind that the physics engine is not designed to be that accurate. Its more of a game physics engine. Maybe you could do a first approximation of stresses and what not. But I think you would need a real engineering software for anything meaningful.
@unknownuser said:
I tested something last night with it... I took the bricks in the terrain test file, and shrunk them down to about the size of a small rock... then copied them over an over and over until there were hundreds and hundreds of them in a cluster hanging in the air waiting on me to drop em... I wanted them to fall all at once and seem to be a fluid pour of small objects... but what I got was a few dropping at a time... by OC'd E4300 couldn't handle it...
This plug-in hasn't been optimized yet and lots of objects will go slow. I expect I can at least double the performance on >100 objects without too much effort.
But the biggest bottle neck is sketchups performance. It was not really designed for moving hundereds of objects dozens of times per second.
Part of your problem may be that you shrank the objects too much. There is an upper and a lower limit to how big and object can be. Objects that are too small wont move.
Any other comments or feedback?
Has anyone used the SketchySolids toolbar? I am thinking that it is almost worthy of being a separate plugin.
@cphillips said:
Any other comments or feedback?
Has anyone used the SketchySolids toolbar? I am thinking that it is almost worthy of being a separate plugin.
Hi Chris,
I'll have to lock myself into a room for a couple
of hours with SketchyPhysics and get back on this
Well I just want to say as everyone that this is a really amazing script, I have look around the different possibilities, there is alot that we can do and it realy increase the use of Sketchup, increase our ideas and help us more with our needs.
I know that this is just the begining, and I also know that it will only get better, i will be waiting for it.
I really want to thank you for sharing with everyone.
one question I have for now, is there a way to control how to "grab" the objects in a way that we can for example grab a cmu block and put it on an other one with presision. When I tried they seem to be floating in the air as I carry them? I will keep trying.Again thank you very much for all the work.
P: Haggai
Amazing stuff and great work.
After watching the videos
the possibilities are endless. -
@haggai said:
one question I have for now, is there a way to control how to "grab" the objects in a way that we can for example grab a cmu block and put it on an other one with presision. When I tried they seem to be floating in the air as I carry them? I will keep trying.
By default the object will try to move only horiziontaly. Hold down CTRL to drag up and down.
There is a tutorial of sorts here:
I am doing this but what i meant is that even when I lift up the object it is hard to control them, they are like hanging on a string and swinging as i move.
P: Haggai
@haggai said:
I am doing this but what i meant is that even when I lift up the object it is hard to control them, they are like hanging on a string and swinging as i move.
Oh, I see. I tried it so the object moved faster and it didnt work very well. The problem is the object flys around the scene too fast. Say you drag a cube from one side of the screen to the other. Depending on how far out you are zoomed the object can be moving hundereds of miles per hour. If it bumped into anything along the way that object would go flying.
Ill make it adjustable in a future version and you can try it.
And I agree, the controls could be better.
I found the controls pretty good, I got how to move stuff and throw stuff, and drop it. and I liked the bars...