Rayscaper Hotrod (Ford Model A)
A good HDRI for car renders, used it many times. For some reason the flames in V1 are given a emiter quality it was not given and in any case the transparency does not come across as yet. SHadow catcher for the HDRI which is just a plane not up either but shadows not apparent without. Future releases perhaps or a workaround.
Not done very much but aswsign a few texture finishes, lighting exposure to come as will a few lights.
Good progress on the hot rod. Hope you can get the flame issue figured out.
Ta mate. Always forwards.
Nice, an excellent start! I would put some lights on that beauty.
I added the alpha issue to my bugs list—it's not forgotten! You can try cleaning that alpha channel with a tool like Affinity Photo as a workaround.
Note that you can update exposure in Rayscaper if you'd like:
Thomas -
SHadow catcher for the HDRI which is just a plane not up either but shadows not apparent without. Future releases perhaps or a workaround.
I'm not following this @Mike-Amos
Still finding scaling issues for the HDRI and a method of implementing a shadow catcher. Also, the flame still has an illumination quality I did not apply.
The issues I have seen in Rayscaper and PNG transparencies seems to be entirely to do with quality of the image. The only pending item is the illumination which occurs without user input.
This site has some great transparencies btw. https://www.cleanpng.com/png-realistic-fire-flames-illustration-8333208/download-png.html