Merge Lines into Arc??
I've found that various actions in SketchUp will cause arcs and circles to break into individual line segments. Is there any way to merge individual line segments that are already joined back into an arc object? Is there just something really simple I'm missing, or a script or plugin I can't find?
I searched for this and couldn't find anything - thanks for any help!
If your arc is intersected by an edge, the arc will "break"...that's just how Sketchup works. If you erase the intersecting line you can use the Weld script to join the arc (or any other set of connected edges) back together.
Note that while Weld.rb is extremely useful, no doubt, it will not turn those segments back in arc of circle entities really - just welds them into a polyline. The major difference is that with arc and circle entities you can always right click on the edge and set a centerpoint.
There is a plugin somewhere in the plugins forum that can do this but I could not find at a first try. Maybe someone else or later...
(Problem is that I cannot remember who wrote it and what its name is).However if it is only for easy selection, weld will work just fine.
For anyone else looking for it, this plugin still words as of 2023 and does the trick.