@mike amos said:
@srx, you have that backwards.
In which country do you get politicians murdered for opposing the wishes of the King, pardon me, president?
You know a lot. What is your source? CNN?
In which country do you get president murder for opposing the wishes of war machine?Which country has sent it's agents into sovereign nations to murder those it just does not like? Just to remind you, Polonium is something that kills randomly and the the bastards left that in a public place.
No, no. It is BBC!
Which country held a large part of europe under an iron fist, controling those nations with secret police and murdering citizens for opposing them? You want to live in a non communist nation? Off to the Gulag with you.
Russia is not a communist country any more. Just to remind you.
Which nation in the Indo-Pacific region is brainwashing its own citizens because they are culturally Moslem?
I did not whatch that show.
Which nation sends warships to prevent peaceful fisherman from fishing in their own territorial waters?
I see you really enjoy watching brainwashing TV channels
Which Indo-Pacific distator murdered his own uncle and brother because he thought they MIGHT in the future be a focus to oppose his rule?
I dont know. Did not watch that blockbuster. Whas it Marvel? Why is that important now?
@srx, you have a very warped idea of who is bullying and murdering whom.
I have no idea. I know, because I was, my contry was bombed and ruined by NATO. Was your country bombed by Russian maybe? Movies do not count!
Sorry mate but you make no sense and appear to be a one topic generalist, judging the actions of others on one yardstick. Do we need to evolve? You bet your 'arris we do. NATO is now irrelevent due to the challenges of the PRC, Russia and North Korea. We need an organisation that can act globally so that people do not need to travel the world to find the safety and peace they should have in their own back garden.
You just need to let others print their own money...HM, But that would break your own economy... So better do not let... Muammar al-Qaddafi tried it... So, NATO destroied him and his country. With PRC, it is not so easy
We need to include PRC and Russia and North Korea so that this whole doctrine versus doctrine shtick can be consigned to history. It will NOT happen while Putin and Xi are around and what could replace the NK dictator?
So you have right to take over other nations presidents, right? That for sure is what have to be changed! For start, in your mind. Live And Let Die
History has proven that in nations where the elections are rigged and there is NO effective choice, those holding power have no break to reign them in. Not that many years ago, escaping communist europe was a real problem and thousands died trying to do that. Or are you saying they went in for extreme sports and just shot themselves while trying to get over a barbed wire fence and get through minefields?
Live and let die man. Take care of your own president.He fell from the bike.
What happened in the former Yugoslavia was a travesty, something that should have shame tied to it as long as we still measure time. However, pointing the finger is a fools errand, far too many people with blood on their hands to get the right folk and with lies and time/ Well that just muddies the water further.
What happened was that NATO, USA broke the International low and bombed Yugoslavia. From there on there is no international low anymore. That was the beggining of the end of an Empire. Did you know that they also bombed the ambassy of PRC in Belgrade killing the staff working there?
Mate, we are ALL sharing the same air and water and while I hold my 'Trekkie' belief's tightly, I am still very much without evidence that humanity can climb out of this hole. I BELIEVE that we will get there some day. I just wish I could be there to see it. Debate is healthy and we can all do with differing views, belief should always be tempered in the fire of debate but, currently, you forget or ignore too much and I cannot understand why? I wish you peace brother, you have the right to your views, opinions but please try to temper those with the facts.
I gave you facts from my own expiriance. You are giving me CNN news man. I wish you to wake up! TV shows you are watching are 90% lies. Watch movie "Network", almost 50 years old
Important speech.
CNN, never watched it.
President? Never had one to fall off a bike. We have a Prime Minister in the UK.
I rarely watch films tbh and never use them for information of any kind. Apparently there is a new Dune film next year that I think worth a couple of hours.
Your friends are killing people in a war which is helping nobody, you have a right to your own opinion but frankly, your comments have zero credibility and what we are seeing is murder plain and simple. State sponsored murder.
I appreciate the man on 24:52... sane decision!
Still here, still talking about the same thing.
Russian forces murdering civilians.
The UN are still doing nothing effective, they do like their harsh words but with nothing to back that up the Russian leadership will continue, after all risk and reward tend to follow. The Russian propoganda machine continues with it's NAZI model with constant exhortation to it's own people that they are the victims, it should be shocking but somehow becomes background. I have continued to request that the Duma sort out the mess with the same result. I have attempted to communicate with the upper house but that has failed so far. The London embassy is sealed off.
Where is the global defence organisation? How on eart (Pun intended) can we as a species, help the environment? Bring poorer nations up to a level where everyone gets food, clean water, a roof, a decent education, proper health care, a purpose?
Take a look at the theft and murder going on at the behest of a small portion of the species. How much extra polution? I have not been in favour of forcibly changing the system of another nation but frankly unless we do there will be no end. There are a great many decent people in the world and Russia has its share. Time to help them fix this before we demonstrate just how failed a species we are.
from WSJ, by Yulia Latynina, sedentary civilizations have always been vulnerable. Plato wrote that the gods destroyed Atlantis because it had grown wealthy and debauched. The more a civilization produces, the more alluring a target it becomes: Bronze Age kingdoms fell to the sea peoples; Germanic barbarians took apart the Roman Empire; the Mongols conquered China’s empires. In the Islamic world the succession of Umayyads, Abbasids, Mamluks and Ghaznavids reflected Ibn Khaldun’s cyclical theory of history—bloated sedentary economies get dismantled and consumed by predatory barbarians.
This cycle was broken by the development of firearms. Technological advance became an instrument for successful conquest. The Vikings left North America because of the ferocity of the natives, but the next wave of invaders conquered the Indians with ease. The difference? Guns.
No zealot or rogue king selling his followers on the certainty of victory in war can stand against superior technology. When the Mahdi tried to build an Islamic state in Sudan in the late 19th century, the machine guns of Maj. Gen. Horatio Herbert Kitchener ensured British victory at the Battle of Omdurman. A similar fate befell rebels in Matabeleland in 1896-97 in modern-day Zimbabwe. The leaders of the 1899 Boxer Rebellion in China promised their followers invulnerability against the bullets of foreign devils. This turned out to be an exaggeration.
For much of recent history, technological progress was the only route to success for a nation. Even the Soviet Union understood. The Vietnam War, the Iranian revolution and Sept. 11 each turned the wheel again. The barbarians had the advantage because their adversary had grown flabby and satisfied. It was impossible to fight Osama bin Laden the way Kitchener fought the Mahdi’s followers, not because al Qaeda had advanced weapons, but because a civilized nation couldn’t fight an uncivilized war.
The only war a modern, prosperous, open society is willing to fight is a comfortable one. This has been noticed by the world’s rogue dictators. Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine is a challenge to the prevailing international order, presided over by a sedentary, prosperous U.S. hegemon. Unless this challenge is met by superior technology, it will likely succeed.A new arms race is the only option for the West. The Russian offensive flounders in the face of superior firepower. On battlefields where there are no modern weapons, the barbarian Russian army, with its tactics of cannon fodder and indiscriminate shelling, slowly prevails. Where the Ukrainian defenders have been equipped with Western artillery, Russia’s stockpiles explode into fireworks and its fodder troops are burnt like chaff.
A world without a war is only a dream. When the strong and just refuse to fight with the weapons they have, thugs and bullies can do what they want. The West must build precision weapons that can take out Russia’s nuclear silos—and let Mr. Putin know that they aren’t afraid to use them. Develop drones that can hunt and kill terrorists. An open society can’t dictate to rogue states how to live. But it should be able to prevent aggression like the invasion of Ukraine.
Ms. Latynina was a journalist with Echo of Moscow and Novaya Gazeta, Russian press outlets that have been shut down during Russia’s war with Ukraine.
Pay wall, never mind but could you post the article itself please.
just to keep the post alive....
Orcs mined Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant (literally X10 Chernobyls, more then enough even for khuilo lovers in Serbia or NeUtRaLiTy keepers in Ireland)
Nitrogen-oxygen unit is destroyed..
This snowy Mordor is a pure terrorist state which Mankind never seen before -
He is trying to evoke war flames. This is the point that would be better for the world to take action—a sane action not playing in his game and with his rules.
I have an eye on Finland's decision.
Hi Guys,
I did a quick catchup read since my last comments. I see this thread is going strong with all sides having their say.
Even here is Ennis (a small town in the West of Ireland where I live ..... currently!) is showing the effects of the mess in Ukraine. I have met with a number of people that have fled the Ukraine and I welcomed them. They are just ordinary people like you and me trying to get by the best they can!
Until we see the World being run by 'ordinary people' we will never have peace and real prosperity. From what I see the World has and is being run by the elites from their cushy and safe positions. This has been the situation for many years. Does anyone seriously think that Hitler would have got into power and stayed for as long as he did without the backing of the elites?
So, until we see something that resembles Direct Democracy happening Worldwide nothing will change and we will see 'business as usual' for the Elites. As Major General Smedley Butler said ..... 'War Is A Racket'. I think it's a great racket if you are part of the Elite group that finances it and profits hugely from it. By the way, the real Elites have no country and they don't want one! It's just a case of profit and lose for them. I imagine they would be totally happy living in outer space if they could have all the creature comforts they are used to. From this position they could really treat us like pawns on a chessboard. I would include, Biden, Jinping, Putin, Jong-un, Johnson etc etc in the group of pawns even though may feel otherwise.
So you may as well start being happy being a pawn as it's not going to change anytime soon.
I hope I didn't depress too much with that last post.
You have got a lovely town, Mike!
Also, I am in total agreement with your thought, with a minor modification. -
Not sure this thread would still be going what with the news fatigue etc. We are still being shocked though.
Health issues joined by a total pc failure it has taken some weeks to deal with. Very grateful for Chilblast who sorted the problems for me.
My closest friend lives in Moscow, so I have very regular contact. He reported 2 days ago that a number of Polititions in St Petersburg offically called for the sacking of Putin. He then stated that a number of Polititions in Moscow mirrored the sentiment. The sentiment can be summed up by this translated quote " We ask the President to resign due to the fact his views (sic) outdated beyond hope and prevent Russia from delevoment"
I know nothing of Russian politics but I am thinking they would not have made a statement without some sort of leverage, because they all face the wrath of POO-TIN and they risk there own freedom and perhaps lives.
I wonder how much length and breadth this sentiment has at those levels and how what it means in optential outcomes. I think this is exiting as it is the first such stirring of this type, as I understand it and the opinion of my Moscovite freind. -
Wow Liam I had to go look that up, and it's true! What I was hoping, that the people would rise up against that guy, could be happening.
This is that statement- “The rhetoric you and your subordinates use is full of intolerance and aggression,” the statement said. “People once again fear and hate Russia while we threaten the whole world with nuclear weapons.” The Lomonosovsky district added: “Therefore, we ask for you to be relieved of your duties as your views and governance model are hopelessly outdated.”
Unknown to many outside Russians get a lot of information through Telegram it is very popular now and is fully enkypted, so a popular form of secure information platform Thats how I had this news days ago.
It seems the boot is on the other foot militarily too with significant gains by the Ukrainians.
They seem more positive than ever that they can win on the ground which is a good sign.