Modelling a tramway
I really like the quality of the the new twinmotion pathtracer but it is crashing all the time. Maybe my machine is to old...
Great work
I am testing it out too, its big improvement. Loving the HDRI skies especially. Its preview version of Twinmotion 2022, so I am sure they will keep updating and fixing it. You need 6 GB dedicated memory (minimum) graphics card and 16gb ram minimum. Ideally you want 12GB grahics and 64GB ram for high end work. I cant use path trace on mine at the moment as I need to upgrade
and a new version of an old one:
Very realistic vibe
So well done.
and this time a video of the golden twenties:
rendered with twinmotion
JoKE !!! (again) no words
(except: you turn out to get a genial filmmaker yet
So cool!
old model rerendered in twinmotion2022 with pathtracer
Wow. That's perfect!
oooh very nice. I am liking the new path tracer feature in the latest release of Twinmotion too.
at the moment these two 3d models are are going to be reality in 1:87
Wow! (
That hobby can keep you busy.)
Excellent as always.
and some more vintage stuff:
Lovely work. SketchUp and Twinmotion?
Top notch!
Yes. Twinmotion and outdoor renderings is a perfect match. I am still struggling with indoor renders, but my machines are to old to use pathtracer.
the models are finished.