Concept Cargo Truck
Looking interesting!
Looks great mate,keep on trucking.
So far so good
Looking good, is it an 'all terrain' vehicle and how will it be powered?
Looks great.
Super creative design, as per usual. Can't wait for all the greebles!
You are doing great mate, cracking stuff.
@shawb said:
Looking good, is it an 'all terrain' vehicle and how will it be powered?
Electric of course.
Working on another project.
How about Shirley Hydrogen?
@mike amos said:
How about Shirley Hydrogen?
Shirley you must be joking?
Honestly, it could run on anything. Take your pick!
It's a simple design but then, they often work better than the complex surfaces of a BMW for example. That truck rocks mate and no mistake.
Thanks Mike.
A brilliant result. Thanks for sharing the development phase.
Thanks majid.