Belly Tank Racer-Finished
Marvelous, I want one for the shopping run.......
Awsome modelling!!
Mike ,nlipovac thanks much .
Thanks pbacot , Don't know how to answer "the blur" question. Looked at a bunch of pics of actual racers on the flats , some had blur some not..... think it kind of has to do with how the photographer shot the pic. one thing seemed common though even shots where the car or bike wasn't blurry the tires always seemed to have a certain amount of blur..... Did put blur to the tires in post pro before adding the dust. Think it's kind of an apples or bananas kind of thing and what you like. I decided not to blur the whole scene....
Awsome... it flies!
Thanks nlipavoc . pbacot hope you don't think I was getting "pissy" with my earlier post. The image you posted got me to take my image back in to post pro to mess about..... that leads to my question just how the heck did you get that much blur to the ground without wrecking the rest of the image ??? Damned if I can get close to that but then I'm no wizard with the post pro stuff.
That was just a quick blur filter in GIMP, selecting only the areas around the car. Not expertly done in any way. I guess the right camera and photographer won't blur. Not saying it needs it. Just curious how it would look. I noticed the tires, nice touch!
Well you piqued my curiosity pbacot.... had to see if I could get the ground blurry. Did mine in Affinity , I find their selection tools a little more friendly than Gimps. Got to admit it does look kind of cool but .... if you think about it if I'm stand still and taking a picture of a car racing by why would the ground be blurry... it's not moving the car is ...
Cause you're moving the camera with the car? Anyway, it's to add some excitement, but you don't want a blurry car!
...wunderbar!!!! itΒ΄s perfect Tuna57 - all the more so in this well-chosen salt lake backdrop
Thanks HornOxx
Another in a line of great renders mate.
chedda, Mike , thanks gents
Stunning! Well done!
Totally agree with previous comments, another great model in the bag. The motion blur discussion was interesting as well. I think the renders with blur can be interpreted in different ways. The last render looks to me as if the shot was taken from another vehicle speeding along in front of the Belly Tank?
Bryan , shawb many thanks for the positive comments.