Up dated Porsche 550 Speedster
Thanks mate, still replacing place holding items so it is evolving a bit at a time.
Still adding details.
Looking absolutely smashing mate! Can't wait to see where this winds up.
Cheers mate, a voyage of discovery for me with the details coming soon. I hope.
The battery.
LOL. Love the battery!
The name is a pun and I have been using it for a long time now. Glad you got the joke but not sure many do.
I've never been good at car modeling in Sketchup!
On the other hand I've tried Blender3D and even easier alternative: Wings3D!
Everything (Almost everything) is in right-click menu and has a set of good subdivision tools included. Here is what I got in few minutes and 4 times of subdivision.
There is nothing wrong with that Majid, good start. I wish I could get on with SubD etc and Blender. Just has not happened yet.
Thanks Mike. The pro of the Wings3D is the fact that if press "Shift+Tab" it previews the subdivided mesh without really subdividing it and it's simple logic. The con is that it is a solitude island... No similarity to other apps and totally different from Blender3D, slow progress etc... Maybe trying Blender3D worth it.
One day my feeble brain may get there with Blender which would make my year tbh. Still moving on one small piece at a time. After the bonnet decal I shall go back and finish the doors with shut lines and door pulls etc.
I really admire your job!
I've never been good, or let me say have been so lazy, to model such a complicated form in SketchUp.
Thanks mate, a lot of stopping and starting again but hopefully I'll finish this one.
Mate! keep up the good work!
Ta mate, the beat goes on, for a bit anyway.