Help me with Exterior rendering in vray 3.40.04
I am new to vray. i have seen so many vray exterior tutorials but never got an at-least basic rendering. Just followed many tutorials as it is but still in vain. Followed this tutorial for my work but of now use. i don't knoww where i did mistake. i adjusted the exposure so got little better but still no life in it.
Am in a rush to see the tutorial, but I guess if you just change the background/sky brighness multiple times, the result would get better. I usually start by multiplying it by .1 or 10 each time, and when am nera to what I want, start fine adjustments. Also you can hide everythnig bur a simple volume to save the rendering time.
Sky is too dark as Majid mentioned. Try using dome light And play around intensity if it too bight .
For exterior I think vray Camera shutter speed is set to 300 as default,You can lower this down.
Just remember if you are doing interior scene shutter should be around 50 then adjust to suit.Too much youtube tutorials for vray Skp. Most of them are really good but complex setup and sometimes take long to render.
Start at youtube Chaos group you will fine good tutorials and you can download a simple house scene here:And try to study The setting used or reverse learning.
Good luck! -
You will have to learn more about how Vray works. Like here mentioned first try with Chaos YT channel and go through their Sketchup tutorials, you will learn a lot.
This one I find great for beginners,