Using sketchup for laser cutting!!
Hello! I am using sketchup to create 2d design/patterns many years now and i am satisfied so far. Recently i decide to use a laser cutting machine to make some complex pattern on leather.
I make the pattern on sketchup i export the design as pdf file. The laser is not mine and the owner of the laser use corel draw. When we import the pdf file, starts the troubles!
Straight lines are ok but any curve whether is spline or part of a circle it's a mess!
Sketchup simulates circle with small lines which is a big problem!
Do you have any suggestion on how i can deal with this or should i jump to another cad?
Thank you! -
Except make circles and curves with numerous segments...that is not wonderful
Maybe use some low price like Affinity Designer for vectoriel
Or free online like VectR
Or free like Inkscape
or this new oneWhiteRabbit CAD more for clothes so perfect for leather! (not free)
If you use a 3D dxf export from SketchUp, you will get smooth arcs and circles.
the problem is that the other guy is not a good user of corel so it's really hard to edit the file. He can't deal with a dxf or dwg file format. In previous projects it was easy to copy paste the model from PDF into corel! Now the model have many curves and it's not working properly!