Glass refraction based on smoothing of model
Hi guys!
I've got this problem with refraction of glass (see attached image). As you can see, one bulb differs in the way that it refracts light (it seems to be too bent). I've read somewhere that the smoothing of the faces might affect the way vray refracts light on glass. I tried it on the other bulbs and as you can see it seems to be more correct. But I actually don't know how I achieved it lol
..I was just doing trial and error with the smoothing in the groups. Anyone can help me identify what/how exactly the smoothing should be done on this? Thank you!
I would rather play with IOR of the glass material. In theory for glass, it should be 1.33, but it doesn't always work the way it should so playing with the setting until it looks fine is necessary.
Also, I have the impression that those bulbs are just solid glass balls, not models with thin double\sided walls and "air" inside. I'm not sure if this is the cause or the effect though
Hi Robby thanks for your reply!
Yes I also tried playing with the ior values but didn't quite get the effect I was looking for. Also the glass bulb seems to be 2 sided. Anyways I just decided to copy the correct bulbs again for me to move on. But if anyone can explain how or why this happens that would be great!