That will make SURE the best soft for landscape design
Hi, of cause there are many difficulties to work with terrains in SU. Since I designing landscapes from 2012 I have found solutions to resolve most of it, but... Why send box palette tool "stamp" Work so unprofessional? It makes offset in linear dimensions to when "stamps" new place to existing terrain!!! Actually it does not matter, what is a distance. Slope is matter. We should enter slope and SU should make transition from existing terrain to designed square, road, playground. That will be professional. I am teaching landscape designers and this is a biggest problem in SU using for all of us!
I honestly do not really understand your post, Is there a question or just a rant?
You teach landscape design, please update your profile as it says you are an interior designer.
Look at ValiArchitect's InstantTerrain and their other tools.
True, the stamp tool does not often create a realistic grading for buildings and other applications. You really have to know something about grading and model it yourself, if you want something realistic. There are videos by professional LA regarding their methods.
Good terrain manipulating tools include Artisan and VertexTools.
@solo said:
I honestly do not really understand your post, Is there a question or just a rant?
You teach landscape design, please update your profile as it says you are an interior designer.
Hi, Solo.
It is not question, it is suggestion. If u think that will be bed feature, explain why please. Because of my not updated profile? I like SU and want make it better, and u?
turbodizaynPs. It is strong discussion method to switch attention to opponent appearance, but in my profile described interior/landscape designer
@pbacot said:
Look at ValiArchitect's InstantTerrain and their other tools.
True, the stamp tool does not often create a realistic grading for buildings and other applications. You really have to know something about grading and model it yourself, if you want something realistic. There are videos by professional LA regarding their methods.
Good terrain manipulating tools include Artisan and VertexTools.
Subject: That will make SURE the best soft for landscape design
Hi, Pbacot.
I know about that extensions and thank you for advice. I just try to say about really important tool. May be nobody did not say it before. There is 1001bit tool with analog but only for a face. So I thought why SU developer could not make something useful during several years of development?PS. Could u please give me one link to "videos by professional LA"? I saw video from trimble and it was sad.
- 19 days later
- 3 years later
@pbacot said:
Look at ValiArchitect's InstantTerrain and their other tools.
True, the stamp tool does not often create a realistic grading for buildings and other applications. You really have to know something about grading and model it yourself, if you want something realistic. There are videos by professional LA regarding their methods. flagle
Good terrain manipulating tools include Artisan and VertexTools.
Could you maybe provide me with one link to "professional LA videos"? The Trimble video that I saw was depressing.
A realistic grading for structures and other applications is not frequently produced by the stamp tool. You must be very knowledgeable about grading and practice it yourself. Thank you for the advise; I am aware of such extensions. I'm just trying to talk about an incredibly crucial tool.
P.S. It is an effective discussion technique heardle game