[REQUEST] Convert single instance components to groups
I was looking for quite while searching for the following problem:
Importing (Revit) DWG data into Sketchup creates a lot of single instance components. The trouble is that when copying multiple of these files together that Sketchup slows down to a crawl because it is trying to match components that are similar. Usually I end up with sketchup files with hundreds of single component instances. Sketchup works faster when these single instances are in fact groups, making copying between sketchup files way faster. Normally I explode the selected instance and group these again, but with hundreds of these, this is too cumbersome.
So what I need is the following:
- select all single instance components within my current SketchUp file (or current selection)
- convert these to standard groups
I think this is quite useful for anybody working with imported files and want to keep on working quick.
For number 2) I found the following code snippet from sdmitch (https://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=323&t=17590&p=140679&hilit=single+instance+component#p623006)
@mod = Sketchup.active_model @ent = @mod.active_entities @sel = @mod.selection @vue = @mod.active_view cmps = @sel.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance) cmps.each{|ci| grp = @ent.add_group(ci) grp.name = ci.definition.name ci.explode } @mod.definitions.purge_unused
[highlight=#ffffbf:39rhwwt6]Does anybody know how to realize part 1?[/highlight:39rhwwt6]
Thanks in advance!
It's relatively straightforward...
Here's 1 AND 2 combined...
This code finds all components that have just one instance and makes a new group in place of the instance, containing its contents, using the same name/layer/material as the instance itself.
The now unused definitions are deleted.
It is one step undo-ablemodel=Sketchup.active_model defns=model.definitions model.start_operation("ci2gp",true) defns.each{|defn| next if defn.group? next if defn.image? next unless defn.instances.length==1 inst=defn.instances[0] name=defn.name layr=inst.layer matl=inst.material ents=inst.parent.entities tran=inst.transformation grp=ents.add_group() gents=grp.entities i=gents.add_instance(defn, tran) inst.erase! i.explode grp.name=name grp.layer=layr grp.material=matl } defns.purge_unused model.commit_operation
Wow, TIG, you have saved my day(s)
Big thanks!
@tig said:
It's relatively straightforward...
Sorry to dig up this old topic but your code above causes a bugsplat in Sketchup 2022. Any idea what could be the cause?
It's a snippet of old code but it should work OK.
It works for me on a PC - I don't have a suitable MAC to hand...
Nothing different in v2022 as far as I can see...What exactly are you trying to do, are there any Ruby Console messages before the failure ?