Foundation Plugin
Version 1.1.9 - 01.03.2019
- Foundation and Footing labels option added to the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Foundation and Footing label prefixes can be customized in the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Foundation labels enabled for slab-on-grade foundations.
- When construction callouts are enabled the overall area and volume (concrete) of the foundation is displayed beneath foundation label (currently only slab-on-grade foundation assemblies have this feature available).
- Added customizable colors for lumber, PT Lumber and labels within the Materials tab of the Global Settings.
- Added additional layers for dimensions, annotations, 2d geometry, building code and engineering.
The customizable colors for the lumber (PT) will not take affect until I update the stemwall module. Currently the color of the lumber is still hard coded into this module.
I am also working on an update to the Medeek Estimator which will then allow the user to quantify foundations as well as roof and wall assemblies.
So far I have the concrete, rebar, and anchor bolts queued up for analysis in the estimator module. I will need to still work on adding in the insulation (foam) for the FPSF option. The first foundation type that will be made available in the estimator is the slab-on-grade. Once I am satisfied with the integration between the two plugins I will continue to flesh out the rest of the foundation types.
The bigger issue right now is the lack of parametrics for this plugin. With the addition of the attribute library I am one step closer to making this happen. There is really nothing special that needs to happen it is just a matter of pulling together the HTML menus and other tedious tasks within the Ruby code.
I apologize that it has taken this long to begin to address the parametrics issue. As can be seen in the changelog I had a burst of activity in 2017 and then only recently began to slowly process other updates.
Medeek Design Inc. - Medeek Foundation Changelog
Medeek Design Inc. - Medeek Foundation Plugin Changelog
Most of my time has been spent on the other two plugins but it is my goal this year to bring this plugin up to par with the other two.
Version 1.2.0 - 01.06.2019
- License expiration date now appears in the License tab of the Global Settings when plugin is registered.
Estimating data for slab-on-grade foundations is now available with Version 0.9.9w of the Wall plugin.
Version 1.2.1 - 01.20.2019
- Fixed a bug in the license and registration module.
Version 1.2.2 - 02.25.2019
- Fixed a bug in the display of the toolbars (Mac and Windows).
Version 1.2.3 - 03.15.2019
- Updated toolbar icons to be compatible with 4k (UHD) resolution monitors.
First look at the new edit menu for slab on grade foundations:
Version 1.2.4 - 06.26.2019
- Enabled the "Edit SOG Assembly" function/menu for rectangular slab-on-grade foundations.
Version 1.2.4b - 06.27.2019
- Corrected the code for raising and logging exceptions.
Version 1.2.5 - 06.29.2019
- Enabled the "Edit SOG Assembly" function/menu for polygon slab-on-grade foundations.
- Enabled the "Edit SOG Outline" function for polygon slab-on-grade foundations.
The ability to edit the outline of polygon shaped foundation is fairly important not only for this plugin but also for the complex roof module of the Truss plugin. I will be moving back to the Truss plugin this next week to continue my work on the complex roof module.
Tutorial 2: Editing Slab-on-Grade Foundations
Version 1.2.5b - 07.01.2019
- Enabled the "Edit Slab Assembly" function/menu for rectangular slab foundations.
- Enabled the "Edit Slab Assembly" function/menu for polygon slab foundations.
- Enabled the "Edit Slab Outline" function for polygon slab foundations.
Version 1.2.6 - 07.03.2019
- Enabled the "Edit Stemwall Assembly" function/menu for rectangular stemwall foundations.
- Enabled the "Edit Stemwall Assembly" function/menu for polygon stemwall foundations.
- Enabled the "Edit Stemwall Outline" function for polygon stemwall foundations.
All of the current features of the foundation plugin are now fully parametric. However, I do need to introduce a new system for handling stepped foundations and internal strip footings for both slab-on-grade and stemwall foundations.
The absence of a interior footing module for the slab-on-grade type foundation is very frustrating for me and I am sure for a lot of other users as well.
With that being said I've decided to put my thinking cap on again and give this issue some further thought. Based on what I have so far for foundations and looking at some other foundation examples I think the following parameters should be sufficient to fully define an interior (thickened slab footing):
Basic Options:
Footing Width
Footing Depth
Slope Angle
Slope Start: Yes/No
Slope End: Yes/No
Vertical Drop: default is zero
Reinforcement: Yes/No
Anchor Bolts: Yes/NoReinf. Options:
Ftg. Bar Dia:
Ftg. Bar Qty: 1,2,3,4,6Anchor Bolt Options:
Anchor Bolt Length: 10,12,14 (in.)
Anchor Bolt Dia.: 1/2 or 5/8"
Washer 2X2, 3X3
Bolt O/C Spacing
Sill Plate Thickness:
End Distance:The vertical drop option is the 6" dimension in the image below:
The interior footing module will be quite similar to the window and door module in the Wall plugin. It will allow the user to add, delete, move or edit any interior footing within the SOG. Unlike the current system (only one interior footing possible), the user will be able to create as many footing as they like, criss-crossing the slab in any direction at any angle. Once this feature is in place the slab-on-grade foundation will be much more versatile and hopefully much more capable of modeling real life (complex) foundations.
Please let me know if there are any other parameters or options that I might be missing from this list.
First look at the interior footing toolbar:
This toolbar will allow the user to add, delete, edit or modify interior footings within stemwall, slab-on-grade or slab foundations.
I will also be adding in a toolbar for working with brick ledges on slab-on-grade and stemwall foundations.
This will enable the user to add a brick ledge to any edge of a foundation, and also edit or delete the brick ledges. Currently brick ledges are only available with stemwall foundations and if enabled applies the brick ledge to the entire foundation outline.
Version 1.2.7 - 07.05.2019
- Added the Interior Footings toolbar and icons.
- Added the Brick Ledges toolbar and icons.
- Enabled a resync function in the License tab of the Global Settings for license renewals.
Within the License tab if you click on the license exp. date the plugin will then resync with the server and update your license exp. date accordingly. This is a resolution to the issue some users have recently had when renewing their license.
Previously the user had to remove their serial number and then re-enter it in order for the plugin to update itself with the new license expiration date.
Looking at adding in an option for a sub-base layer for slabs and slab-on-grade foundations:
Let me know if there are any specific requirements that you might have.
The only two parameters I have for this are the depth and the material.
Are you looking to add several other layers such insulation and surface finishes ie. screed in the future?
Moisture barrier?
Being that it is the weekend of the 4th I was quite surprised at all of the feedback on my previous post, thank-you for taking the time to respond and provide valuable feedback and information.
It seems that slab insulation is also a feature that I should also add to the mix. Most details I've seen shown it directly below the slab between the subbase and concrete:
Note that many details I've seen show the slab insulation wrapping down around the footing or at least dropping down along its vertical side to the bottom of the footing. However, to model the slab insulation in this way would be very computationally expensive (in other words a big pain in the butt) and require some rather elaborate code.
What I've shown is a slightly simplified version which I can easily achieve using some very simple boolean addition and subtraction.
The updated list of parameters is now:
Slab Insulation: Yes/No
Slab Insul. Thickness: Default to 2"Subbase: Yes/No
Subbase Thickness: Default to 4" or 6"
Subbase Material: Default "medeek_gravel", user can choose from custom material libraryI've also had quite a few request for poly. I've never been a big fan of modeling non-solid geometry (ie. 2D films, vapor barriers etc...) In my opinion the SQFT callout for the foundation is enough information for the designer to know how much poly is needed for the foundation if they want to apply it below the slab (plus some waste factor). I'll have to give this some more thought.