New to DC: topic for my simple questions to the pros
the problem is current returns inches for size and position, so one has to convert for centimeters
a known bug=NEAREST(CURRENT("LENX")*2.54,100 ,500)
this is the same for facearea, you have to convert with 2.54*2.54, (/10000 for meters)
Ok guys another question: I'm trying to use the optionindex parameter but it returns -1.
I'm trying to assign a specific itemcode given the length of the bar, which I can choose among a list. So I thought to unite CHOOSE and OPTIONINDEX to make it work, but OPTIONINDEX returns "-1" for LenX, and I can't figure out why.
Thanks in advance again!
optionindex works in the same level, You can not pass it using parent! OR CU_barra_4x12!
In theory using a list and "lenx" should work, but it does not. This may be due it being an unaccustomed attribute. You have found an inconsistency or bug, however, will have to do a workaround, nominate a attribute "Lunghezza" and use that for the list and optionindex works. Then assign lenx to this Lunghezza attribute
added extra attribute and placed within same level, then reference as needed
Pcmoor, thank you a lot for the time you're spending to explain me how it works!
...however, in the model you uploaded the stretching along the X axis is locked to the value you select from the list. Instead, I'd like to be able to stretch the component locking some known measures (see the embedded NEAREST function), and ALSO have the possibility to choose a lenght from a list.
In both cases, I get a defined length; in the end, I'd like to link that known lengths to codes (possibly with the CHOOSE/OPTIONINDEX functions which I find to be more direct or with an IF function, if needed)
place an option to use scale in the dropdown list, as you suggested, use a conditional statement in the lenX formula to reflect the choice, say if index=1, then current and nearest, else the fixed length selection.
Wonderful, pcmoor! I'm learning a lot! Thank you so much!
I fear I will bother you again and again
Hi again! And sorry to bother.. I'm here with a little more complex topic, I'm going to explain..
I'm building a new DC which is a wooden panel, which can be coloured with any color on both front and back face. Colours on the two faces may be the same or differ.
I'm looking for a way to colour separately the two faces, and also to have an attribute reporting the name of the materials used. The aim here is to get a report which can tell me how many square meters I'm using of whatever material I applied.....
Is there a way to do this? or any kind of workaround?
There a few things you need to consider
Scaling a material / face does not automatically update FACEAREA, here are some ways to get produce the result you may require.
- Calculate the area from the input, works for simple shapes, like with the door face, height * width
- Use FACEAREA, then after any operation, (you may need to make the component unique if their are others) scale definition then redraw.
- Incorporate a small "scaler" DC, a technique introduced by TIG, that is say a xy 10mmx10mm sample of any material, set x=1,y=1 and hidden. This then resets the material to scale and any FACEAREA calculation. This however conflicts with the internal DC copies sizes, so provided you do not need the use of copies that have different sizes from each other, then it is the best method
Texture materials need to be added to a DC as swatches, as Sketchup does not automatically load them even if correctly named in the DC. can use named colors directly without swatches as per chart at
You need to consider how the user will interact with the pallet, for large number, it seems impractical to load all to the DC, so an exposed sample point maybe the solution: say, use generic swatches named doorfront, doorback, dooredge, benchtop, benchedge......this would be in a global DC, that the other DCs would reference in a template. The user would select by dropping the appropriate colors/material to the global DC. Ideal to switch and compare paint selections.
So it depends on the scope of the project, simple DCs loaded to the warehouse would have color codes and/or material textures added with swatches. Whereas a room design/kitchen could be based on the template with global options, as such, it will need some simple ruby scripting to update all the parts (redraw).
Material selection in a DC is to a group or component, not a face. So coloring different faces with attributes is not possible. You could pre-color a back face for calculation purposes though. But you need the "scaler" to automate the area calculation. Then with the material selection the rest would change. For edges of different materials, you would have to make then separate groups or components as you see fit. (note: groups are automatically cleaned from the file and components are required if you need to swap)
example attached
can paint any material
has swatches of some edge alternatives, some color, and option to match top (note use of equals in the value part of the dropdown, plus quotes around the material
the component surfaces have hidden "scalers" embedded.
the area calculated from a red painted surface
I add some attributes to your example, the door FACEAREA is done on the front rectangle, divided by 2 as to remove the backface from the calculation, Because its not the parent, it requires a redraw after the change in size for the parent to update its value.
There are two external group DCs to which the door references to change its material, change these and after a redraw the door changes
You can set a short cut to the redraw to make life a bit easier, but a small script would be best, so all components are up to date after the changes
Some ideas for the carpet in your warehouse page,
added facearea("")/2
standard colors
you need to match then closer, maybe use the RGB values
Pcmoor, you're very kind...Thank you so much!!
I unfortunately have been derailed to other urgent matters, so I'm now back with another question on materials. I almost got the panel work the way I'd like it to work.
Basically, I set fixed values for length and height for the user to change from a list, and this is perfect. Now, the two faces may be painted with whatever colour we want, so I thought to make two different inner components with inner faces painted with defaul material. This way, if I get INTO the main component and apply whatever material to my 2 faces (even separately) I get the applied material name being showed up in the "Material" attribute.
I have now two attributes related to the applied material name (CODICE, and FIN_PARETE), and it's crucial for me to have these two attributes updated after I apply a new material. At the moment, I get the material attribute to be updated, but I need to manually change the dimension of the panel to have the linked attributes updated.
Is there a way to automatically update the related attributes?
Many many thanks in advance!
Hi again! I have discovered the "redraw" command (which I did not know at all), and it seems to be intuitive enough for my colleagues to use
Another question for the pros: in the attached component I set an onclick function on the two coloured faces: when you click on a face it is set to HIDDEN. That works perfectly, but when I copy that same component the onclick action operates on the original component, and I don't understand why...
Can you please point me to the solution?
Thanks in advance!
copying does not make the item unique, so a connection exists until its broken usually by changing a size. So right click an make unique before the interaction
hi again! Is there a way to insert a formula depending on the fact the result of an operation is an integer number? something like: IF LENX/LENY IS AN INTEGER NUMBER THEN WRITE 1,0.
I know how to use the If function, but i don't know if there's a way to check an integer number...
Thanks a lot!
you can check for the remainder and if none then must be an integer
=if(lenx/leny - int(lenx/leny),0,1)
Thank you sir! Gonna test asap!!!
Hi again! i have a new small issue: I have a basic Dynamic Component which can be edited in its inner parts. I just want the dynamic component to report the size of its bounding box, depending of the things I put inside. In the component attributes, window the LenX LenY LenZ parameters correctly update when I add/move things inside the DC, but if I link to those values three different addributes ("length"=LenX, "width"=LenY, "height"=LenZ) I have to REDRAW the components if I want the values to update. Is there a way to update automatically?
Most likely you need to do a redraw, you can set a short cut key to it provided you have a component selected.
Another method is to set a ruby script to a button probably need to use some ruby to overcome the shortcomings of DCs
Bummer... Thanks a lot by the way!
Hi again!
..I am wondering: is there any way I can make a list option in a DC to be displayed in red?