Exploding groups and components does not go to layer0
I encountered a problem with layers when exploding groups and components. When I create a simple box and make it a group (or component), then move it to a custom made layer and then explode - loose geometry will not go to Layer0 but to the layer assigned to that group. Interestingly, before exploding a group, if I enter the group for editing, faces and edges are on the layer0. However once exploded they don't go to layer0.
Is that default setting or something is wrong with my SU? Btw, I'm using SU PRO 2017. -
That's the normal behavior. It has its uses, for example when exploding a nested component or group, the child components take on the parent's layer.
In the case of exploding to raw geometry, the immediate next step after exploding should be to set the layer back to Layer 0. The geometry will be selected right after the explode operation so it's not difficult to do.
Default Layer Geometry by TIG