[Inquiry] Plugin for Moving Scenes / mass selection
Hi Everyone,
I'm using 2018 Pro, to my surprise, the scene manager haven't improved a lot since version 8 lol
- selection method is one by one. Anyway, I have 100 scenes.
All I'm planning to do is to select scenes from 1-50 and drag it after 51.
Is there a plugin to do this? Many thanks! -
back up the file with scenes, than
delete all-> paste new model
no plugins needed lol -
@rv1974 said:
back up the file with scenes, than delete all-> paste new model, no plugins needed lol
just an additional suggestion: between "delete all" and "paste in place" it often could make sense to clean everything up via > Window > Model info > Purge Unused. So your file does not become unnecessarily large and you avoid possible conflicts with material namings ... -
bad idea. for example, scenes presevre layer configurations (purging deletes them)
@rv1974 said:
bad idea. for example, scenes presevre layer configurations (purging deletes them)
Uhps! does "Purge Unused" also delete preseved scene-layer configurations? I haven´t noticed this yet so thank you for this hint ... -
move "51" to before "1"?
No Hornoxx, but purge all purges unused layers and if you are doing cut and paste, there won't be any used layers in between.
Thanks Pbacot to make it so clear - I use this "rv1974 method" so often, but never with complex layer arrangements. The thought about this didn't even cross my mind - there is always something to learn