I thought I would have a go at a 200 square foot box, not something I thought would be this hard but there it is. I think I lose something by having the entrance as it is and the sofa bed is not exactly an elegant solution either but I am stuck so far. My thoughts are tending towards shared space which is a whole new kettle of fish.
Excellent model and render, but 200sqft is tiny and proven time after time to be really impractical for human habitation.
May I suggest a bed over the sofa and make the sofa built in with underneath storage? A fold down. 2 seat dining table? Mini fridge/stove/microwave stack? Single kitchen sink? And yes, put the bathroom in a corner and make the rest of the space shared. It's the only way.
The most ingenious solutions I've seen involved moving walls and fold down things like beds and tables and sofas. The walls moved from side to along the long axis the space.
Google "tiny asian apartment with moving walls" Then check out the video and then select "images."
Thanks Bryan, agreed. Just messing with my preconceptions and challenging myself. I have seen some of the apartments in Hong Kong and the different levels with sliding walls blows my mind. As a character in an illegal unit magazine (Arbuthnot) would say, "Blow your mind, smoke gunpowder"..........
@mike amos said:
Thanks Bryan, agreed. Just messing with my preconceptions and challenging myself. I have seen some of the apartments in Hong Kong and the different levels with sliding walls blows my mind. As a character in an illegal unit magazine (Arbuthnot) would say, "Blow your mind, smoke gunpowder"..........
A worthy exercise for sure. I hope I am not discouraging you. Just trying to offer some inspiration.
Not at all, I was already thinking along the lines of your comments and sometimes a nudge in the right direction is helpful and appreciated. Having moved from a three bed detached property to a one bed flat I have some of the hair loss associated with "Where the heck can I put THAT". The locality manager said I should lose the books but having slimmed my library down from over six hundred to just under three hundred, she can rock on. Now then, next test, how can I install book cases on the ceiling????? I know it CAN be done.