Can Thea Render work with Fredo Animator Layer Visibility
Hello Community!
I Had A problem with rendering animator in sketchup via fredo animator.
the problem is when i rendering in thearender, it did'nt render the object who has layer visibility animation on it. so thea just render di object firstly came out.
is there any change or i do a mistake to do so.
sorry for my bad english i hope all of you undestand!
Thanks Before! -
Hello Community!!
Sorry for the question up there, i've been already figure out how to solve for the problem.
the answer is i should render on fredo animator create clip. not from thea render sketchup studio.
so my render now is establish and wait until finish render. my render for animation i use is presto (AO), with the setting from Pixero
thanks for watching, and sorry for my english. if my render finished i'll try to post on it.