How to change the label text colour permanently
It is not possible to change the standard text colour for the label tool.
When I select some text which I have made before, I can change the colour.
But when try to change the text for all new labels it won't work.I select the label icon, then I change the colour, it seems to work.
But when I type the text, the old colour appears ! -
It is possible to change the text colour.
What are you changing the colour of? Show a screen shot that displays where you are trying to change the text colour.
And it doesn't show that color when you place the text?
no. it doesn't show that colour.
There was a similar bug in the dimension tool where changing the text color didn't affect the text color of the dimension.
Try this workflow:
Create a label.
Select the label.
Make style changes to the label until it's what you like.
Activate the label tool.
Press the "s" key to activate the "style sampler" mode.
Click on the label that you prepared to sample that style into the label tool.At this point, the label tool should be creating labels with the text color you wanted.
thanks both marc durant and dave r. That works for me.