USB Slot Question
Would anyone know why, when I plug an external HD in, I don't see it in Computer, on a win 7 machine? I have two slots in the front, tried both, and even plugged it in to a rear usb slot and computer doesn't see it. The HD is brand new along with its cable.
New HDD might be USB 2.0 or 3.0 only.
Newer USB sockets can both power devices and transfer data.
If your PC is USB 1.0 it may not work correctly.
That's probably it then Rich, is there a way to check what mine are without taking the case apart?? Is there any workaround like a usb adapter?
Looks like I have version 2 ports from what I can see.
USB 2 should be good enough for external storage.
Could be faulty. Try it on a friends and see.
Windows should ask when you plug it in what do you want to do with the device.
The fact it doesnât even see suggests a hardware or software issue. Not great advice but if you can try it on something else youâll at least have a clue.
Have a look at updating the drivers for the USB ports, also it sounds like an old machine if its running W7, would not be out of the question that it's failed. typically on my PC builds one of the USB ports is always the first thing to go.
Yeah I went and got DriverMax and I 'think' I updated the usb drivers?
I have two USB slots in the front, tried both, and tried one in the back (have 4 there), no go for any.
do I need to open the case and replace the usb unit in the front? Maybe I can buy an external HD that I can use?
Seems odd that all six are not working, unless you have taken it apart recently it would be strange that the physical connectors have come loose on the motherboard. I would guess it's a driver/software issue but no idea how to fix it. Would you upgrade to Win 10, is 7 still supported?
No I wouldn't poke around inside, wouldn't know what I was looking at.
It was hard enough on me going from XP to Win 7 two years ago, I'm afraid of going to Win 10!
but could I do that with this computer, or do I need to get a new machine?
I think you can follow this guide to check:
Yeah I had a guy build this computer a few years back and the parts are probably bootlegged because I don't see that Get Win 10 icon in my taskbar.
I know it's not funny but try going end for end on your USB cord. Had that happen to me
No the short cord has a regular usb plug one end and the other is much smaller plug. My camera's photo card works in those slots.