Excessive Hidden Lines
Does anyone know a simple way to reduce the amount of lines on this site plan? Seems a bit excessive to me.
Check this plugin: CleanUpĀ³
I like using the regular make terrain plugin. However, before I use it, I simplify contours either with curvizard or edgetools2
I'd also do what JQL recommends and simplify the contours.
However, if you're going to sculpt the terrain, Toposhaper [i think pbacot was referring to this?] would give you a regular grid but you'll need to isolate the contours. Alternatively, 'Drape Cpoints' + 'Triangulate Points' could be used over the existing mesh to get a similar clean mesh if you don't use Instant Terrain.
Cleanup would reduce unnecessary lines --co planar edges.
I would use Instantterrain plugin by Valiarchitects which can lay a new and regular surface over existing geometry.Or if you can extract contours you can do that with Topomaker.
*woops. "TopoShaper"
Looking at your picture again. That's a CRAZY number of edges. How'd that get there?
Thanks everyone. I'm going to try out JQL's idea. In the meantime I have attached the site plan SU file. I'm not sure why there is sooo many lines.
Click here for download:
Those many lines are the way sketchup has to convert CAD splines into sketchup curves with high accuracy. You probably don't need that much accuracty for terrain contours.