Push/Pull stops at dashed line boundary
I am extruding a shape from a vendors skp file. When my push/pull hits 6" of length extenesion the faces stop one after the other, even in edit mode.
It extrudes for me...
Great! Would you please post the skp file? There is something I am doing, probably in the setup that I don't understand.
When I opened your file I noticed you have the camera set to Parallel Projection and you're getting clipping. Search the forum for that term and you'll get a lot of info. I set the camera to Perspective and hit Zoom Extents to eliminate the clipping. You can do that in your file. No need for Baz to upload it. I'd suggest you work in Perspective instead of Parallel Projection. I think you'll find it less problematic. If you must show your drawings in Parallel Projection, save it for the output images.
Thanks. That is what I needed to know. Small problems that are insurmuntable when you don't know the lay of the land.