Sketchup will only export 720p video?!
This is quite buggy on a Mac. I can choose 4:3, 16:9, or custom. If I select custom and then start entering pixels, it changes the pixels in one of the boxes and constantly defaults back to 16:9.
I also just tried exporting a video at default 1080p. File > Export > .mp4 > preset to 1920 x 1080p > hit enter, then I end up with a 1280 x 720p file?
Whats up with this?
Edit: So this issue is also affecting both Sketchup 2017 Pro & 2014 on my machine... I'm guessing that means the issue is related to Sketchup and Mac OS not communicating properly... or it's an issue which has been around for 3 years...?? I'm running the latest Sierra
TL:DR Will only export video at 1280 x 720p
Here's a dropbox video link showing the problem:
No matter what it is set to, even the default 1920 x 1080, it will only export at 1280 x 720!!
I don't remember any reports like this in the past. It could be that due to the fact that SU2014 isn't supported on Sierra. Sierra is several years newer than SU2014.
Thanks for the reply. This is affecting Sketchup Pro 2017 as well (I just tried Sketchup 2014 to see if it was limited to one version of Sketchup).
Ah... I see. There was nothing in your original post that indicated SU2017. Your profile indicates you are still using SU2014, too.
Thanks, have just updated my profile.
I originally said Sketchup 2017 in the post title, but later changed the title and didn't realise I hadn't included it in the main text. All updated now, hopefully I get a fix soon!
It's frustrating as Sketchup 2017 wouldn't support Mavericks, so I had to update to Sierra to even install it. Now I find it's buggy on Sierra and can't perform this basic but essential function!
You are not going crazy; I have suffered under this issue for years on mac.
This is what I do to finally get to export other sizes.
Set the aspect ratio to custom. Type in the size you want for height/width (can be a 16:9 ratio, but still use custom in the aspect ratio). Then press the preview frame size button. Does it display the correct size? Sometimes yes and sometimes no (like 50/50)
If it does not display the correct size, you will notice upon escaping the preview window, that all your settings have reverted to the size displayed as opposed to the size wanted.
Continue doing the exact same thing until you get a preview size that is correct. This can sometimes take 3 or 4 tries. I have never had it fail to finally give me the size I am looking for.
Once you get the correct preview, then you can chose OK and start the export.
I always use image sequence exports. This allows me to navigate in my finder to where the images are being stored and I can check one of the export images to make sure the correct size is exporting. If the preview page was correct, you'll find that the images are correct too. If you export full animations without image sequences, then you have to wait until it is completely done before you can check, which can be a huge time waster if it is exporting incorrectly.
Good luck and yes this a long time bug...
Thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed reply!
It's a real shame Sketchup hasn't fixed this error in years, but good to know I've got a workaround I can use for the moment