Component creation causes crash
Dave, when I try to create a component in a different file, all is well. So apparently I did something to this model that it does not like. I I just make a box, it crashes. Apparently it does not have to be anything complicated. I have uploaded to 3d warehouse under the name of "17-1890" I hope this helps. Thanks
I just had a look at your file, Jerry. I see a few problems with it. One is that you are using Layers incorrectly. You have edges and faces on layers other than Layer 0 while the components/groups are assigned to Layer 0. You need to keep edges and faces on Layer 0 and only move components and groups to other layers. The way you are working could be causing the crashes. It'll certainly cause other problems. There are also a bunch of reversed faces. Many of the walls for example are all inside out.
Not sure I follow Dave. I just checked entity info for all edges and faces and they are showing on Layer 0. How are you checking them? Also, I changed my style to be a contrasting green color for back faces and I did find some that were reversed, which have been corrected
Jerry, triple click with the select tool on some group or other and look at the Layer assignment in Entity Info. You'll find someone them show some layer other than Layer 0 and some will be blank. The blank field indicates the entities in the selection set are on more than one layer.
OK Dave, I was looking at flr 1, there are a bunch of reversed faces and linework not on layer 0 on flr 2. I will fix those and see what that does.
Yeah Dave, after correcting all of that, it seems to be working. Now, how I did that any different on the flr2 than flr1, I'll never know. Thanks
FWIW, I made a cube and made it a component without any trouble.
If you want to look at it together, I could probably do it later after we get back from dinner.
Good. I'm glad that sorted it. Make sure you leave Layer 0 active all the time and only move components and groups to other layers.
What causes the faces to be reversed? Also, to my knowledge, I always leave layer 0 as current. I think I know where I messed that up though
@jerrymich said:
What causes the faces to be reversed?
A common cause when it's things like walls is that the user starts with by drawing the perimeter which creates a face with the back face up. Then they draw lines for the interior walls before extruding them up with P/P. The walls will be inside out and if you orbit to look at the bottom, there's no faces at the bottoms of the walls. Although this might be unexpected, SketchUp is doing the right thing. It's the same as pushing a hole into a face. If you delete the face representing the floor and leave only the face at the bottom of the wall, you'll get the correct extrusion.
Of course you could also reverse the faces at some point. It's a good idea to stay on top of face orientation and fix incorrect orientation as it happens. Much less work and less likely to create problems down the road. Keep in mind the back face color on top of a face drawn on the ground plane is normal since it is expected you'll make it a 3D shape.