Residential Exterior
Been a while.
Here is a somewhat current project. It is now built, I will have to see about getting some pics.
Sund 2017 photo real set 7.pdf
Wow, gorgeous!
I agree these are really nice. If I may say your images are gaining more ambiance! That entry shot really sells. I like the house design mainly because it is so different from what I've been involved in. Always like to see some curves thrown in. All those windows! (They are practically outlawing windows in some climate zones in California)
@pbacot said:
All those windows! (They are practically outlawing windows in some climate zones in California)
Is that because of energy use concerns? Seems like with good quality widows and strategic overhangs and tree plantings one could still be fairly energy conservative. We do not have the population density of the left coast so I suppose we do not feel the energy crunch as much. Something like 4 humans, .25 dogs and 20 cows per sq, mile in these parts.
I don't think it is so much the population, but the conservation-minded state laws. They factor in the windows and we use the high performing windows and increasingly efficient and detailed insulation, but all comes down to computerized point system. Then there is the green building law which adds to the required performance level, then local jurisdictions are given the ability to add tiers to the requirements. A lot depends on the climate zone too.
I used to have to deal with all that stuff. Now I just draw pretty pictures for the people who deal with all that stuff. I don't miss it.
Outstanding as always!
Paul, these are really good looking. You also produce nice smooth animations.
Purty pictures AND a video in just a few days?! Someone's been busy!
Fantastic images, Paul. The evening shot turned out very nice.
I've probably asked, or someone else has, and you've probably answered, and if I was industrious I could find it, but I am lazy, so I'll ask again - what rendering software do you use? -
Thanks for the nice comments all ya all.
Daniel, At the risk of enabling laziness, I will answer your Question...Again...
suPodium is my renderer of choice. I have always found it to be a great balance between ease of use with quality. With relatively limited experience one can make some very nice renders, and with some effort and experience some very fine work can be produced.p