Vintage table lamp
The background is an EXR or modeled too? Nice texturing!
Thanks guys.
@cotty said:
The background is an EXR or modeled too? Nice texturing!
The background is simply a HDRI. You can find it in the sIBL archive, it's called "van Kleef 3".
Great work! Looks very real! Was it difficult for you to do this? It looks really time-consuming.
@lavanta said:
Was it difficult for you to do this? It looks really time-consuming.
No, neither difficult nor time consuming. As I said it was a quick set-up.
@massimo said:
@lavanta said:
Was it difficult for you to do this? It looks really time-consuming.
No, neither difficult nor time consuming. As I said it was a quick set-up.
That's awesome. Looks can be deceiving, I guess
I could've sworn this was extremely difficult to make, but I like getting surprised
This deserves to be in the most impressive thread. -
terrific. I have really struggled. . .well. . .kinda. . .but not really. . .trying to model and rendering a light bulb like that?
Share the recipe?
Well thanks for the very kind words guys.
@david_h said:
...trying to model and rendering a light bulb like that? Share the recipe?
The original model of the bulb is on warehouse if I recall well, but I've made some tweaks like, for example, giving thickness to the filament. As you can see also the bulb has thickness.
Here you have some ss of the model and the material applied to the filament.
The bulb has a standard thin film glass material on it.
Of course there is a bit of radial glare in the final image (something like weight = 30% and radius = 4%) coming directly from Thea's darkroom.
Hope this helps a bit. -
Even the bulb is real! I feel sick...
Thanks Rich & boo.
@massimo said:
This has been in my computer for quite a long time now. It was modeled starting from the real thing. I decided to try a couple of shots after a pretty quick set-up.
Sketchup + Thea + a slight touch of pp with Arionfx.
[attachment=2:96uo54ch]<!-- ia2 -->03_glare_ppII.png<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:96uo54ch]
[attachment=1:96uo54ch]<!-- ia1 -->01_glare_pp_II.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:96uo54ch]
[attachment=0:96uo54ch]<!-- ia0 -->02_glare_pp_II.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:96uo54ch]Massimo :
Nice rendering ! Keep up the good work. Hoping to see more of your work.