Working Late - Added pic
Thanks Bryan. Kind of funny , the only thing I changed was wall color and carpet and the chair. Lighting is exactly the same. Big change in overall tone of scene is just the difference in how the color temp of the lights interact with the different colored materials. Still playing with this, changing fabrics , wall color etc. Post some more variations as they're finished.
Material coloring the atmospheric light is one of the things I have to struggle with all the time.
I look forward to more posts.
Bryan , believe me I struggle with the lighting and how it can effect everything in the scene. I feel like I'm finally starting to wrap my brain around it a little. Just for a little more info , the desk lamp and the pole lamp all are set up with 60 watt incandescent bulbs. It's shocking at first just how orange-yellow the light actually is, it can do some pretty unexpected things to the colors of various objects in the scene.
Well for better or worse here's another render. Changed up textures ( walls, carpet , fabric ) modeled new cushions for chair on left, changed the color of fabric on desk chair the red was really bugging me. Tried some new things in Gimp. Have no clue if I like it but having fun trying out different things.
I for one, like this one the best so far. The overall room is still a little dark for me but then if I look at the title of the post, it may be totally appropriate.
Wow! A lot more "atmosphere" and you've definitely nailed the 50s-60s decor! I think you've nailed the lighting as well.
Looks great!
ntxdave, thanks and I'm not going to deny the image is a little dark but I was shooting for a moody look like this. I think I've spent way to many late nights in settings not unlike this. Somehow I've gotten to prefer this over most other times of day.
Bryan, Thank you .. a few things I'm still not wild about but pretty darn close to what I was looking for.
I really like the mood that you've managed in this render: like you, I've spent a lot of nights over many years in similar settings... though not nearly as perfectly Mad Men / mid-century modern in style
Really nice work.
Thanks Doug. Except for furniture being a little different it's pretty close to the style and look of my place, stuck in the 60's I guess
I know I'm a bit too late for this but I've read all the replies so far and I find I fascinating how much you've improved your own work
Really admirable. Did it take long to make all the changes?
Lisa, Thank you. Making adjustments between renders can vary widely. If you have to remodel something there might be some hours in the changes. Most of the time it doesn't take very long, a matter of swapping out some textures and adjusting settings in the render program. Sometimes it can just be a matter of minutes to make changes and then have patience while the render is running.
Thanks for the reply! That's really interesting to hear since I've always had the impression changing stuff would always take hours to to. I'm getting used to working with SketchUp and try not to change too many things because I'm afraid I might mess up big time lol
What was that in your case? -
Lisa, Making mistakes is part of the learning process so don't let it get you down. I made plenty of mistakes early on, heck I still do. The mistakes just aren't as bad or as often as when I first started. Soldier on and try new things and don't worry about making an error. That's why SU has an eraser tool
@tuna1957 said:
Lisa, Making mistakes is part of the learning process so don't let it get you down. I made plenty of mistakes early on, heck I still do. The mistakes just aren't as bad or as often as when I first started. Soldier on and try new things and don't worry about making an error. That's why SU has an eraser tool
Thank you for your kind words
Nice to see that even professionals still mess up 'cause I've been struggling a lot with SketchUp. I try to keep getting better at it, though.