Intersect with Context Bug - Is there a fix?
When I "Intersect with context" in one part of my model, other parts of my model's geometry will "shatter".
It only happens occasionally but once it starts it won't stop.
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Has anybody encountered this bug?
My guess is there is a piece of geometry that is .01 or .001 of an inch off and gets repositioned when I intersect with contours. But the issue does not occur when I "Intersect with Model".
Is there a fix?
![Before "Intersect with Context"](/uploads/imported_attachments/Doaq_KIRBY_MASTER_05-18-2017_LARSCLEANUP_1.jpg "Before "Intersect with Context"")
![After "Intersect with Context"](/uploads/imported_attachments/FeRk_KIRBY_MASTER_05-18-2017_LARSCLEANUP_2.jpg "After "Intersect with Context"")
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