Set Materials folder?
It looks like SketchUp is loading the native libraries from their normal location which would be in ProgramData/SketchUp/SketchUp 2017/Materials. And then it's going out to load you custom libraries from the location on the D drive.
It would make more sense to leave the native folders alone and make your own custom folders with different names than the native folders so you can tell them apart in the list.
I really only want one location for my all materials. If I remember, I SU was forcing me to write/save new materials to a different folder because of some sort of permissions. I created the SUMaterials folder on my data drive for that purpose and to move them from my much smaller SSD. I would really like SU to just load that Data drive folder and allow me to save new materials there.
I changed the path from my data drive to the SU materials and removed any added collections, and restarted. I still get multiples of the folders. Any suggestions?
@unknownuser said:
SU was forcing me to write/save new materials to a different folder because of some sort of permissions.
Actually that was Windows forcing you to write to a different location because of permissions. You can modify the permissions to the folder so you can write to it.
@unknownuser said:
I would really like SU to just load that Data drive folder and allow me to save new materials there.
I don't think there's anyway to prevent SketchUp from looking at and loading the Materials from ProgramData.
@unknownuser said:
I changed the path from my data drive to the SU materials and removed any added collections, and restarted. I still get multiples of the folders. Any suggestions?
As I already wrote, I don't think you can prevent SketchUp from reading the ProgramData files during startup. The path you changed is only for your custom libraries. Do you use many of the native materials? You could copy them into your own materials folders and ignore the native folders. As I wrote before, give your custom libraries different names. They don't have to be much different.
@dave r said:
@unknownuser said:
As I already wrote, I don't think you can prevent SketchUp from reading the ProgramData files during startup. The path you changed is only for your custom libraries. Do you use many of the native materials? You could copy them into your own materials folders and ignore the native folders. As I wrote before, give your custom libraries different names. They don't have to be much different.
Thanks Dave, What I did was combine/move my folders to the SU materials in ProgramData. I then removed all other paths/files/libraries. I expected SU to open only the Materials in ProgramData. But I still see multiples of each folder.
Is there some way to reset materials?
I seem to recall a question about getting folders to not show in the list after they've been deleted and I think the response was to edit the Registry and delete the appropriate keys. I'll see if I can find it.
Is there a Remove collection from favorites option in the Details menu. You might try that while I'm looking.
Keep in mind that by putting your folders in ProgramData, they could get overwritten if you need to uninstall and reinstall SketchUp and you'll need to move them in a few months when you upgrade to SU29018.
If Remove from favorites is grayed out, open the Registry and find
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SketchUp\SketchUp 2015\UserLibrariesMatterialsBrowser and delete it.
@dave r said:
If Remove from favorites is grayed out, open the Registry and find
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SketchUp\SketchUp 2015\UserLibrariesMatterialsBrowser and delete it.
I was able to remove from favorites. There is nothing listed there. Should I still remove the Reg key?
Nope. You edited the key when you removed the favorites.
So I tried something. I renamed the materials folder and restarted SU. It created a new empty Material folder. I closed the program and copied the contents of the renamed folder to the new empty Materials folder. The repeated folders reappeared. Arrg! Going to try the process again but instead add back 1 folder at a time and see what happens.
SketchUp will remake those folders if they turn up missing. That's another reason why you have to make your own with different names.