Different page sizes?
I've created a 9 page layout file at the size A3 (420mm x 297mm).
The council have just rejected it as when printed, although some of the pages print as A3, others are printing at A4 (half the size - and so the scale bars then become inaccurate).
As far as I'm aware, I can't individually set page sizes within a Layout document (not that I'd want to anyway). So I'm not 100% sure what's happened. Everything is at the same scale and looks 100% right in Layout.
I've exported the file as a PDF.
I'm using Layout 2014.
I just want to know if it's an issue I've created, or a bug in my version of Layout?
If it's a bug, I'll be upgrading to 2017 shortly. But if it's an issue I've made, I need to know how to ensure I don't make the mistake again! Thanks
Perhaps you could share the LO and PDF files so we have some hope of guiding you.
Mate to me that is making little sense!!!
Are all the pages exported from the same Layout file or later combined in Acrobat? You could try printing from the PDF to PDF this might fix it!
I'd also try exporting one page at a time and then check the properties of each to ensure they are correct sizing.