A welcome post to a gr8 community and a problem as well...
**Greetings all
First of a\ll i would like to thank all of you people , i have been a silent follower quite a while now
i cannot thank you enough for all the tips and trick i learned here .although i became an intermediate user of vray now ( if i may call my self that
) am facing a problem
which i cannot describe , all my settings of lighting are standard still i get this strange pigmented lighting i dont where it comes from .
i would like to know your opinion and i will be for ever in debt .please find attached test render scene
the problem can be about materials, because not all the materials have the same effects in your attachment(floor looks quite nice). probably most of the materials have something wrong in common, try to replace one of the materials with a simple one and give it a try. If it also have the same problem, make your window non-transparent and add a ies light inside the room, so we can see if the problem is about your window or light outside.
@mose said:the problem can be about materials, because not all the materials have the same effects in your attachment(floor looks quite nice). probably most of the materials have something wrong in common, try to replace one of the materials with a simple one and give it a try. If it also have the same problem, make your window non-transparent and add a ies light inside the room, so we can see if the problem is about your window or light outside.
Good PM Mose.
the thing is the problem appeared out of no where literally . i was adjusting iso and rectangular vray light and i don know what went wrong.
please find attached file .
i will try your advice and turn objects with reflective materials off . thank you for ur advice -
@mose said:
the problem can be about materials, because not all the materials have the same effects in your attachment(floor looks quite nice). probably most of the materials have something wrong in common, try to replace one of the materials with a simple one and give it a try. If it also have the same problem, make your window non-transparent and add a ies light inside the room, so we can see if the problem is about your window or light outside.
Dear Mose
Thank u for your reply
the thing is it was all fine and i dont know what exactly went wrong , i was editing the ISO and a vray rectangular light settings and then it appeared ,
i will try to override materials and see if the problem still exist ,
please find attached picture before