My interior renders and furniture models
Nice work & renders.........
The smile on that night stand is particularly interesting.
I also am impressed with the fold in the curtains and blankets/sheets.
Thank you guys:)
I agree with the comments above, really nice work.
Actually drapery models are from 3ds Max, SketchUp isn't capable for stuff like that:) Furniture models partly from me made in SketchUp and Artisan, partly I used ready models. The bed itself and that cow fell stool are my models.
V-Ray 360° panorama render
Gorgeous work!
Very nice and clear renderings.
one tip: if you render a pano, be sure your cameraposition is parallel to the ground otherwise the horizont will be in waves like your pano.
use tihs little guy to set cameraposition and everything will be ok automatically:
Thank you, I think I've really forgot to make it two point perspective:)
Beautiful work. The only thing I would recommend changing is that the areca palm should be a darker green.
Panorama has been rerendered with two point perspective, I hope it's correct now:)
now it is perfect!
Hi everybody! Here is my most recent job. Dental Center project visualizetions, design is from the client. Still V-Ray for SketchUp.
Very nice models!
Thank you!
Thank you!
VERY nice. Those dental center shots are above and beyond.
Thank you and you're welcome!:)
Kitchen corner, V-Ray for SketchUp.
Some new models I've made for my Artisan Modeling Course just publisshed on Udemy:) And here is a 100% FREE coupon for everybody interested!
Pistachio living room, V-Ray for SketchUp, design is mine too. It's a new view of my last year project:)