SketchUpAPI.dll - 32 and 64 bit
We have a 32 bit and a 64 bit version of our .exe which uses SketchUpAPI.dll.
SketchUp provides both a 32 bit and a 64 bit version of SketchUpAPI.dll, but they have the same name.
We would like to put both of our .EXEs (32 bit and 64 bit) in the same folder, but have them load different versions of SketchUpAPI.dll.
We tried renaming the 64 but dll, but that didn't work
Any ideas on how we could have both .exes (and all the support files) in the same folder?
@unknownuser said:
if Sketchup.respond_to?(:is_64bit?) && Sketchup.is_64bit?
Load 64bit binaries.
Load 32bit binaries.
We are creating two .exe's
SketchUpReader32.exe and SketchUpReader64.exe, and placing them in the same folder.
The .exe's automatically load SketchUpAPI.dll from the same folder, but we can't put both the 32 bit and the 64 bit versions of the DLL in the same folder, because they have the same name.
Why not separate the 'bitness' at the download-installer level, i.e. offer 32/64 bit installers ?
Then what the client downlands is what they expect ?If you want to remain 'clever'... then check the bitness when the exe runs [installer-level check] and have two separate installer exe's running from those...