[request] projection on curved surfaces
@cotty said:
One right-to-left selection and a delete key press is too much cleaning up for you?
[attachment=0:49gfo9yq]<!-- ia0 -->extrude.gif<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:49gfo9yq]
no its not too hard for me of any one else ... ( as I currently using same method in order to reach the result )
But let's answer a question : why people using a plugin for multi-face offset instead of double-clicking ? because It's far more simple ..
so having a specialized plugin could be much better than manual actions ..In addition, the second normal method is not currently available ( as I know ) ..
as a result, having a general curve-projection plugin could be awesome.
Do you keep the original shape or delete it as Cotty did?
I'm a bit confused about what you mean about projecting using the surface normal or an average normal? It would seem to me that only the face normal or a defined vector to the surface would be usable.
@pejmantayebi said:
no its not too hard for me of any one else ... ( as I currently using same method in order to reach the result )
But let's answer a question : why people using a plugin for multi-face offset instead of double-clicking ? because It's far more simple ..
so having a specialized plugin could be much better than manual actions ..In addition, the second normal method is not currently available ( as I know ) ..
as a result, having a general curve-projection plugin could be awesome.
Perhaps you should get busy and write the plugin you want.
Why have you made two different profiles? That just creates confusion.
these videos shows what I mean :
http://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/5/help/en-us/commands/pull.htm@ sdmitch : excellent ! Yes This is what I meant by fist method .. you are awesome ! .. the second method ( normal ) is like Rhino's PULL command that I mentioned it's link before
@pejmantayebi said:
these videos shows what I mean :
http://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/5/help/en-us/commands/pull.htm@ sdmitch : excellent ! Yes This is what I meant by fist method .. you are awesome ! .. the second method ( normal ) is like Rhino's PULL command that I mentioned it's link before
Check your messages for a plugin to try.
Have you try VisuHole ?
@pilou said:
Have you try VisuHole ?
Yes I tried that plugin ... It's amazing ...
You know .. nowadays it's not impossible to fulfill our needs ..Sdmith ... you are awesome ...
I will test it ..
If you decide to publish it , I can help you .. making Icons and vector Icons
so ... Is it possible to post that plugin on this account ?
thanks a lot -
HI Dear SDMithch ...
Thanks for your great work ...first of All .. there are lots of reasons for a general purpose project plugin which is specialized on doing the projection job .. ( unlike fredo's or TIG's )
IT is the expanded Drape tool of sandbox ( SU's default project tool that only let do it on z axis )It should have a fast ,simple and flexible User Interface that not limit user to having one face or grouped surface . it should work with separate lines , faces ( more than one ) , groups , etc...
and should let user do the projection without having to group target surface ..the dialog boxes are not desirable . they disturb the user .. and should be replaced by status bar text or onscreen one . ( like thomthom's )
finally , nor the pull command or project are not working properly at the moment . as you see in the pictures, pull direction should be surface normal not UCS origin !! ..
in further versions, lots of options could be added :- project by vector (see projection tools by D.BUR )
- project along UCS axis
- Project to the direction of average normal of target surface
- etc
Your pictures indicate you are attempting to use the "Pull" not the "Project" function. As I explained in my PM, the "Pull" was currently limited to "surfaces" at the model origin and faces located above the surface.
@unknownuser said:
pull direction should be surface normal not UCS origin !! ..
in further versions, lots of options could be added :- project by vector (see projection tools by D.BUR )
- project along UCS axis
- Project to the direction of average normal of target surface
Surface normal? How do you calculate that with a spherical surface?
I project by vector, the face normal, in the Project option.
Project along UCS axis. How are you going to do that without those pesky "dialog boxes".
project to the direction of the average normal. What it that points away from the surface?
@unknownuser said:
Surface normal? How do you calculate that with a spherical surface?
Feredo's join push pull can create the vectors ..
Is it forbidden to use codes or libraries from other authors ?
by using the code it will become easier to reach that result..
if it's impossible to use his code, I ask Fredo6 to develop the idea "General Purpose Projection tool" if he find it useful. he have enough resources and pro developed codes@unknownuser said:
I project by vector, the face normal, in the Project option.
Very good
... So it needs to be documented .. I didn't find that option ..
@unknownuser said:
Project along UCS axis. How are you going to do that without those pesky "dialog boxes".
There are lots of methods, having a toolbar with different options could be a usual one.
UI.dialogbox is not such a
some other methods are available : using some key shortcuts like tab for switching between options .. context menu ( like SketchUV or some A4u tools ) .. using on screen buttons or a launcher ( like feredo's )@unknownuser said:
project to the direction of the average normal. What it that points away from the surface?
What I mentioned was just an Idea, In some cases It is hard to calculate that direction .. Specialty for closed surfaces like sphere .
If you or any one else decide to write a general projection plugin, In his future versions, can consider it to intelligently do it . Add that option ( average normal ) only if the surface is not closed and based on rectangle (like those created with sandbox and its smoove tool )After all ... I just propose the Idea of the projection. since I use rhino, I find it good to have such option in SU ...
SO do not engage with me .. or struggling ...
If any one find it useful to write a extended version of SU's Drape tool, please Do it .. and If its better to achieve the result with using other methods like rotate and smoove, extrusion tools and delete, push pool along path and intersect, exporting to other softwares and import , etc ... so do not write the code . it is your decision.
best wishes

oh yeah um use lss_toolbar2.0 it has a function called stick group which I think is what you want . but if you have su 2016 or maybe 2015 that function wont work but I have found a work around for it ive posted on another topic
youll need to have notepad++ on order to find those line numbers to fix the code on but all you have to do is change like 4 words and save it and then it should work like a champ