2016 & 2015 pro license question
Can someone please clarify the below statement from Trimble/Sketchup as far as how it will apply if I wipe my system drive to do a clean install of windows 10?
To clarify, I currently have Windows 10 & 2015pro. If I activate 2016pro now, but can't do the W10 clean install for 61+days, will that mean I can't reinstall/activate 2015pro?
Thank you,
Glenn"….Important! 60 days after you authorize SketchUp Pro 2016, your 2015 license will deactivate. Once your old license deactivates, you can keep using SketchUp Pro 2015 on any machines you’ve already authorized, but you won’t be able to use the 2015 license to authorize any new machines."
I think you should contact SketchUp Customer Support directly and get a real answer instead of us guessing at what it means. You should be able to do that since you are paying for support.
the license is bind to the network adapters (MAC) used during initial product activation, therefore you should be able to install and activate the rev. 2015 on your system after 60 days until network adapters still available (likely).
as always, no guarantee on anything, ask Trimble for anything obliging.
thanks, I'll contact trimble & post here.